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Craigslist is 1 for 3

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So a couple of weeks ago Amanda decided she wanted to suprise me after a long and tiring week of work by finding us a woman to play with in our home (or rather to play with me?!).


She went on craigslist for this, but the timing was off, or I'm not too appealing to anyone in our area who knows, either way by the time I came home that night she hadn't gotten any responses yet.


Not to be discouraged, we decided to play on cam that night (something we hadn't done in a while) and advertised for it both on Craigslist and here on the SB. As always, that was successful, and we played for an audience of 6 singles and 2 couples (first time we had couples watch us online).


I could tell that our experiences at the club had loosened Amanda up a bit as she was willing to not only show her vagina this time, but was more than happy to have the camera pointed at it while I (and she) played with it.


After this "Craigslist victory" she decided to try again and find us a playmate we could bring to the club with us the coming Wednesday. She found this girl who seemed like a good match for us, at least via email/chat and text messaging.


Not so much in person, she turned out to be a ditzy flake who ended up just using us to get into the club and then do her own thing without us. To be quite honest, I find the lack of intelligence a turn-off, and even though she was hot and I did try to get her interested in us sexually, I don't think we missed out on much by not playing with her....I'm just very dissapointed at how the whole situation played itself out.


Don't get me wrong, we played (Amanda and I that is) were watched and watched others, so it was a good night, just not the night of play we were both hoping for.

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