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Our first big party

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This past Saturday was our club's 30th anniversary party, and we figured what better occasion than to attend our first big weekend party!?


Plus I had just come back after 3 weeks on the road and was itching to play (Amanda had gone by herself while I was gone and I'm still trying to get her to post that experience on here).


Anyway, it was interesting to see the club so much fuller than what we're used to from wed. nights (200-300 people rather than the 30-40 during the week) I think about a dozen new couples joined the club that night.


It was a very joyous gathering with a prime rib dinner and the unveiling of the club's new logo and website as well as honoring the founder of our club and all the longtime members.....then those members who happened to be celebrating their birthday were lined up and "honored" in their own special way by a good number of members (had I known this I woulda joined the honoring, next time I will!)


Then it was off to the usual fun upstairs (we didn't stick around to dance as a good number of people did). Upstairs was equally as crowded, and with people hanging out downstairs for a while before coming up, there was definately a steady flow of new faces (and other parts) throughout the night.


All in all we had a fun time, watched and were watched and ended the night with a little play with two other couples (I played with the wife of one couple while Amanda got to know the husband of the second couple).


I think with the exception of a few special occasions though, we'll stick to Wednesdays....we're not really dancers, and the food didn't really warrant the fee hike that much.....pot lucks are ore fun anyway,never know what people are gonna bring!


As far as the attendees, yes, there are a lot more of them, and oh boy were there some hotties there, but so far wednesdays have been good to us, and the atmosphere is so much more casual, I prefer that!

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