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The History of the World up to Now

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Amy's birthday last year marked the first time we have played with another couple. We have had MFMs and FFms before, with much enjoyment, but we were ready to move ahead. That was September 07. Well, things had lagged since then. We moved, and with the move comes the need to start networking all over again.


:confused: Ugh! I hate the swinger personals websites! I mean, they do serve their purpose, but patience is not a virtue of mine. I'll take the time to send out a batch of emails to couples we are interested in, wait a week to only get responses from half of them, only get serious replies from a third of those, and maybe, just maybe set up a meet & greet for one of them.


Well, I had this brilliant idea. The parents came in to visit for the holidays. Now normally, I would be stressed about this, because my parents are fine in small doses, but two weeks in a row is enough to make me want to put arsenic in their coffee :hahaha: Since we had the babysitting in place, why don't we try a NYE party with a lifestyle group? Amy was game, so we start to investigate the possibility.


We finally decided on joining the good folks at Spa City Connections in Hot Springs, AR for their annual NYE party. Now we have never been to a group party such as this, and we had already decided that we were going to go without expectations. If nothing else, it was a chance to network and meet new people that might be interested in getting together later on. Well, that is not what happened.


What did happen? Hang on for my next post, the NYE party.

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