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Last Night

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I have rare moment of ESP or something. The most notable was when I dreamed I would meet a certain celebrity on a trip I took and actually did. Yesterday it was just a moment of knowing that something was going to happen last night. I don't know why I felt that way but I did. I knew if we went to Menages it would turn out to be a good step for us and it was.


We got a late start and stopped for dinner so there was no way we'd make it there at 6 for the SLS M&G but we did make an effort to still get there early (before the club opened to general public). Once we got into town it was obvious we could get there by about 7pm so I called the car company and scheduled a pickup for us at 7pm. We got up to the room and it was AFTER I got out of the shower dripping wet that I realized I left my entire make-up case at home. I wasn't going out without my make-up. So I threw on my clothes and ran to rite aid to buy backups. I made it back to the hotel in time to just get my make-up on before heading downstairs for the car.


When we arrived at the club a few minutes after 7pm it was obvious just from the cars lining the road that the place was already hopping and when the door to the club opened even more obvious. If it was that busy before the doors opened what would it be like after 8pm when there is usually a line waiting at the door?


We made our way inside and grabbed some nametags and made our way across the room to the area we tend to sit in (we question this choice of location on a regular basis but can't seem to make ourselves sit elsewhere) and found an available table, realizing quickly that we'd chosen the wrong table. Immideately after sitting down the guy at the next table proceeded to start asking (IMO) personal questions. I realize some people just don't know how to have conversations in swing clubs without asking what I consider personal questions (like where do you live/work/etc). Shortly after sitting I had noticed a couple our age sitting just across the isle looking like they didn't know anyone and had smiled at her and gotten a nice smile back. So, as soon as I could get away from the other guy I told P I was going to go introduce myself and did. Thus began one of the best nights we've had at the club.


Before long we were both at their table talking with this couple that we discovered lives closer to us than to the club. We all seemed to hit off they were attractive, etc. As we sat there we noticed a few lulls in conversation and at one point another couple came up and started talking to them so we took that opportunity to go upstairs for a bit and give them some space and talk amongst ourselves. When we came back it was obvious they were happy to see us, so we sat back down and at that point asked if they minded if we just moved our stuff over to their table. They didn't. We danced, flirted, talked for a bit until it was quite obvious there was interest all around and finally after checking to make sure that everyone was on the same page and ok, we headed for a room.


Long story short it led to our first real experience together. It stopped at soft swing switching to our own partners for sex but it was a really great experience for us. It has led to some great conversations and discoveries about ourselves and what we want out of swinging TOGETHER and what we don't want as well. I can't say it was a perfect experience but it was a very good one and a great time.


We both know now that we really are ok with this. My biggest worry was that we would get into a situation and one of us would not be ok with seeing the other with someone else... and that one of us could have just as easily been me as him. In the end that was the least of our worries.

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Reading your story felt so peculiar. I had a little tear in my eye at the end and I wanted to hug you both as if you were newbies who had taken their first step. That sounds so silly I know. But you and Pet are starting out swinging together so this is a big deal and exciting. I'm so glad it was a lovely night at Menages. LM

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It does feel like we are newbies. Even with m past experience it's like everything is new again and being with him I don't know how I will feel at any given "new" intersection, so I am definately facing the same challenges. The only difference is we have a lot more information and the past experience definately does a different light to new situations and events.

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Ahhh we were supposed to go the M&G last night. We heard it bursting at the seams with people. Would have loved to meet you guys in person. Glad everything went so well.

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How Wonderful!! I agree with LM. It's "new" to the two of you together and I'm so darn happy for you two. I love a good story with a great ending!


BTW... I've done the "forgot the makeup at home" thing too. What a NIGHTMARE!!

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