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Getting Up to Date

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Brian and Jo


We have'nt posted to our blog recently because we have been very busy preparing for our annual migration south to our winter home in Florida.


Our preparations to leave Ontario included bidding a temporary farewell to both our vanilla and swinging friends. Of course it was more fun to say au revoir to our swinging friends if you know what we mean! They got much more than the perfunctionary hug and peck on the cheek that our vanilla friends receive.


A few days before we departed our neighbours and new swinging friends, Jan and Andre, invited us over for the evening. The dress code was casual so under our robes we wore matching pale blue transparent outfits, Brian a thong and Jo a camisole and panties. Jan greeted us in all white attire - bra, panties and thigh highs - while Andre was wearing just a wrap around his waist. Of course it was'nt long before we decided that even this brief covering was too much and we all stripped off to play, although Jan kept her thigh highs on to begin with. For the next three hours we enjoyed each other's company on Jan and Andre's king sized bed. We began by playing with our own partners because Jan and Andre wanted to watch us sucking, licking and fucking. Then we switched partners for another round or two of very enjoyable sex. We were impressed at how easily our neighbours have adopted the swinging lifestyle. They were totally comfortable with us and were very open in fully accepting the various combinations of partner which are possible when two couples are naked and in bed together. This even extended to Andre joining Brian in some male bi-play. Before he had been quite reluctant and while he had allowed Brian to suck his cock he himself would not go beyond gently touching Brian's. This time at Jan's urging Andre did lick Brian and the two guys got into a 69 which got Jan very excited indeed. All in all it was an excellent evening all round and we will miss each other over the next six months.


Now we are back in Florida where we lead a similar lifestyle to when we are in Ontario - golf with our vanilla friends and swinging with our really close friends. We swing mostly with couples we have met at the nudist resort we belong to. We are going to the "Bare as You Dare" dance on Friday and have already made arrangements to hook up, hopefully in more ways than one, with a couple whose company we enjoyed several times last winter. We'll keep you posted.


Bye for now.


Brian and Jo

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