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Part 2

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Ok, so last night did go really well and our first experience was quite good. But, here's why it wasn't perfect... and it was a LEARNING EXPERIENCE one we will talk about for a long time to come.


First off, once the clothes came off it was a case of "she looked better with them on", which has helped my Pet establish that while he may find her attractive with her clothes on, he has to find her sexy with them off if he's going to go very far. He did well, but it's hard to stay hard when you aren't turned on...


So we talked about it all the way home today and we were both ok with the idea that we wouldn't be interested in playing with them again but if they contact us we wouldn't mind being friends. Which of course brought the question of how do we tell them that we aren't interestedin playing again without hurting anyone's feelings. Luckily, they saved us the trouble.


When we got home tonight I pulled up their SLS profile and I was just floored at what I saw. Their weights were blatent lies (off by at least 30lbs each - AT LEAST), which was one thing, but then we continued to read and this was a couple we NEVER would have contacted based on their profile. They came off as very full of themselves and most importantly racist. Going so far as to state that they expect those they play with only play within the same race. That gave us the easiest out yet. I don't know if we will have to use it, but if they do contact us I will reply back that after reading their profile I don't think we are a good match and if they want a reason.... "my dad is black" aughta do the trick.


We did have a great time last night but we learned that looks and size do matter in the bedroom (to us). They were an attractive couple and it's great that they both obviously felt good about their bodies, but if you aren't turned on you aren't turned on.

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We've never met someone at a club and played with them without first having read their profile at some time. Since we don't have on-premise clubs here, what goes on at the club is usually more social activity. If you decide to play you have to move next door to the hotel. But I have always wondered if we did meet a new couple at the club, played with them that night, would we regret having played with them the next day once we read their profile. The opposite of this is when you've read a profile and felt you'd not be interested, only to meet the people at the club and they are way better than you expected!

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In the end, we decided we'd rather have not known ahead of time. At least this way we had the experience and it was fun. I'd rather have the option to have the experience then decide later that it wasn't going to happen again.

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I wonder how the other couple would feel if they knew they had played with someone that skin color makes no difference to.


I'm sorry, but I do find it funny thinking about them having to re-evaluate their "we don't play with people who play with different races" attitude if they were to find out they DID in fact play with someone who would play with different races. It would serve them right for being such buttheads.


I'm glad you two had a good time, even if not perfect, and that ya'll are looking at it as a learning experience.

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We had wondered that same thought and wondered if they would remove that from their profile if they were really confronted with it. We came to the conclusion that they probably wouldn't.

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I enjoy reading your thoughts and observations. I'm trying to mentally project myself into your shoes as you travel a mostly well-known path into the activities. You have the advantage of past experience and yet there's a fresh newness to your current approach - a unique perspective that I find fascinating.


At the New Year's Eve party we attended, after the first round of play I was in the kitchen in my boxers sipping on some rum and a lady walking through the room remarked to me that I looked "different" with my clothes off. I wasn't sure how to respond to that comment, but her smile led me to believe it was a positive surprise.


I think, over the years, I've gotten pretty good at undressing sexy ladies with my eyes. I believe in the absence of a foundation garment sampler pack, it would be difficult to fool me...

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I think I have more of an ability to mentally undress people than my Pet does. And I'm pretty sure I've seen a lot more people naked than he has. It is something that he is going to have to work on learning how to do. The only thing I can say in this particular case is that even I thought her boobs were a LOT bigger than they turned out to be once she took her bra off. It's amazing what pushups and underwire can do... and it's not that either of us have issues with little boobies we just like them to be proportionate to the woman attached to them. 190lbs and a size B don't really go well together.

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Well we have a rule of no public play which is great for us. Now that we have gone to the club we know we enjoy it and know how much fun just dancing and flirting can be. Of course that being said we have only gone with another couple which caused a slight problem when another couple we just knew we would adore if we could ever meet them was there!!

Okay I'm off subject this never happens to hubby...

Anyway, I think even without the major profile problems...if we played with another couple even ever so slightly but the interest just wasn't there for one of us then it's a no go and I really have no problem telling anyone that. I can be overly blunt in my responses and work very hard to be courteous to all but sometimes honesty is really the best policy. I've stated you two seem great and we can see that we could be friends...but nothing more...or my usual response thanks but we don't feel we would be compatible. It happens. I prefer people tell us so I would think instead of leading someone on just end it.

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we aren't really into public play either (at least not with others). We will go upstairs on occasion and I have no problem giving him a BJ in front of other people. But I can't get off if there are people standing around watching.


As for the "taking one for the team". No one felt like they were doing that until after we got into the Private room and after she took all her clothes off. I think had she left her top on, there's no telling what would have happened. We did have a good time with them and luckily she chose to switch back to our own partners at the right time (perhaps she sensed his loss of interest, we don't know).

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So this couple did finally contact us. They actually called over the weekend, but not recognizing the number I didn't answer. Then they looked us up on SLS and sent us a message wanting to meet up again. I just wrote them back a short reply that we had a great time with them but after looking over their profile we didn't feel we were a good match.

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I know you play with other races and we do too, as long as there is an attraction, (attraction being the key word). Quite frankly, we don't give a flying frack who our "friends" play with before or after us, and I know I wish we were a little closer to the two of you. What does it truely matter?



I guess this falls under "a lesson for the masses", it really makes me want to take a laptop to any house party or club! I wonder if anybody would be offended if I whipped out the comp before saying ok to play?

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First of all; the reference to your significant other as a "pet" is awesome. I love it. Second of all, I've had issues in the past come up between partners. We just kept everything open and honest with them, explaining the issues we had. In the end, we fell out and don't deal with them anymore, but it's better for both couples; we're both happier. I don't like confrontation either, but in the end it's alot better, when it's done. If you can simply avoid them all together without any sort of confrontation - Hey! all the better. But Honesty is always best.

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