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Misconstruing posts

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Why don't people actually read before they reply? There are certain issues that people are so blinded by it seems that rather than actually read the post they pick out one little thing and that's all they can see.


I knew that when my Pet posted regarding the situation this weekend that some people were going to focus on nothing more than weight and take it as an attack on heavy people. "How was it not obvious to you when you met them that they lied in their profile?". Because if you'd bothered to read the post you'd know that we didn't see the damn profile until after we met them. Yes, their real weight was obvious to us when we met them.


Ah well, it's good for us to be on the receiving end of these types of things on occasion, it makes me feel that much more sympathy for some of the new folks who come in and instantly get attacked simply because they were misunderstood.


Lesson: Ask questions to clarify, don't just assume that you understand based on what you just read.

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LOL...I'm not even going to comment on that...I've had more post misunderstood that I've just given up...obviously at times I have a very difficult time communicating my thoughts through written word.

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I hear ya and I know it's not the first time. I usually realize it after I post a new thread and it only gets like 2 responses. I either did not get my meaning across or no one cared. LOL

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I was probably one of those that misunderstood. I usually do. I realize you didn't know about their profile until the next day though and if you'd read it before going to Menages, you wouldn't have played with them given what they wrote. I am I close? Sometimes I'm not the brightest crayon in the box.

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Well, sometimes Julie, you have to beat me over the head with a rock or something to get me to understand. :)


Stop smiling! -- I'm being completely serious!!

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Sometimes, I forget that this Board isn't much different than real life in a way. We are all guilty of not thinking on occasion.


I forget this all the time because I view a great many on the Board as rather well spoken and "enlightened"... to the point that actually going out to clubs, etc., tends to be a bit disappointing given the quality of personality or conversation. I have to remember that I'm not on the Board, the Board self-selects, and obviously, the interesting tend to hang around.


Except on those rare occasions where you want to beat your head and say, "did you EVEN READ the post???"

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