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Gang-bangs have always been one of those things that has never been a turn-off for me but, has never really been one of those things that was a major turn-on either. It has been a turn-on for Ted to fantasize about watching me in one...so, it has always been one of those things I've not been opposed to doing but not overly excited about doing either.


That was until this past Saturday night...I think I get the appeal of them now.


I love men, I love multiple men at the same time. Saturday night I got a taste of what it might be like having more than three men at once (three men...been there, done that a few times and greatly enjoyed).


Saturday night there were quite a few men at the party that I found attractive...at one point I had a gathering of five (including Ted) surrounding me on the bed. It hit me that in a different environment where I was totally relaxed, I would really enjoy a gang-bang...or my definition of one. (Those that were surrounding me were all ones that I welcomed their touch...I was wanting to play with them)


When I say totally relaxed I mean...that neither Ted nor I would have to be on guard with who was and who wasn't touching me. There were a few men in the bedroom that I really was not interested in interacting with, who were watching. I have no problem with people watching as long as they too are naked and these men were.


Ted was on guard as he knew there were some I didn't want to play with and in fact, had to tell one, NO, he hadn't been invited to touch me.


Had we been in a more private environment I could have REALLY gotten into the moment of having five or six men, that I was comfortable with, pleasuring me to the max. Letting my mind go free with no worries and just enjoying the activities.


After we got home Saturday night I told Ted that I think I finally got the appeal of a gang-bang...which he was thrilled about. I also told him that the best part was we now knew enough men who I liked and who obviously liked me and who played well together that it would be a relatively simple thing to set up one night.


I did tell him that I would want our favorite play buddy to be involved...we've been playing with him for almost seven years now on a regular basis and when we're in party situations that he's also at, he's nearly as protective over me as Ted is...so, with him there it would give Ted and I both an extra boost in the relaxing department.


All that to say...I learned something new about myself and I'm very interested in exploring a gang-bang.

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That's so cool. I hope you get a chance to make it happen YOUR way. That was what I found with doing it, much like swinging in general it has to be done in a way that you don't feel like it's work and I think what you have done in building up a stable of guys you are comfortable with is exactly what you have to do to take that "work" aspect out of it.


Now all you need is for Ted to set everything up, get you a hotel room and invite all the guys over so all you have to do is show up and you have my recipe for a perfect gang bang. :)

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You know it is really encouraging to see someone who you percieve to have been there and done that in more aspects of swinging still need to work their way up to something. I gives me hope that someday I will be able to just walk into a club and be compeletly comfortable with the surrounding. Who knows maybe someday I will be preparing for my first gangbang or encounter with a woman.


Have fun with your new adventure....I am jealous


Your friend,


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