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Is he coming around?

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Gator's and my youngest child has always had a major problem with our relationship with Tech and Kitten. Has tried in several ways to get us to end it.


This Saturday he is going to a festival with the four of us. He told his dad that it would be like a quintuplet date. Gator and I, Tech and Kitten, Gator and Kitten, Tech and I, son and his girlfriend. I can't tell you how amazed I was to hear he said this.


Some rough events for our son happened at the beginning of the week that made him step back and decide he needs to 'get his shit together" as he said. He has been procrastinating on some things and acting out in some ways. I've been very proud of the plans and conversations he's had with both Gator and I this week.


I have hopes for this Saturday. He was the one that suggested going with us. He even had opportunity today to see Kitten for a few minutes while he was with Gator. He talked to her and helped Gator fix her car. I don't know how he'll interact with Tech. He has always had a bigger problem with his mom having a boyfriend than his dad having a girlfriend. The funny thing is that Tech and our son have so much in common. If they ever get past some things, they could have a good relationship going.


Anyway, I'm not here much any more but wanted to think this out loud and share it with you guys.



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We miss seeing you around.


Sounds like a positive step is being made. Good Luck and enjoy the day.



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I'm glad to here from you; I was wondering what was up and worried that things had gone south. Glad to hear things are okay, and even improving in some areas!

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This weekend has gone well. Our son and his girlfriend spent time with us all Friday night and then went with us Saturday. Tech and Kitten spent the weekend. It's been a good one. Especially considering that our son's puppy died this morning after spending all night at the animal hospital and nursing with him.

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