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Went to dinner again last night....

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First written 1-08

The last date we went on, the male of the other couple talked politics and history ALL night long. We can't even remember their names. It was obvious that we didn't quite connect by the time dinner and drinks were over. It was their first date ever and I think he was soooooooo nervous that he couldn't quite talk about anything else. In fact, it was a relief to leave.


This couple from above contacted us and we decided to go ahead and have dinner with them again to see if things had changed. I still think the first time, he was so nervous that he just couldn't quite get over that hump of just relaxing and letting the conversation take place.


It was different last night. He was calm, and his wife was apologetic of the last time we ate dinner. I still can't believe it was over a year ago.


I can't believe my fuck-ups though. When we walked in, they are sitting opposite from each other in a booth. So the only option was I sit with him or her. I chose him because I'm pretty sure they planned it this way. When dinner was over, I brought up a topic on what parties they might have attended since we've seen them last. Well, he suggests that we go back to their house and we can talk there. Well, I knew what he was meaning, and I didn't even look at Dave, but said, "Sure" without even considering what he might want. Fuck up #1.


We paid our bills, and We all have our coats on and we're walking out the door. He says that I can ride with him and his wife can ride with Dave and again, without even looking at Dave or considering what he wanted, I said, "Sure." Fuck up #2.


We get to their place, and we're all talking. Well, seriously, it's a Thursday night, and while we always go without expectation, we really went without expectation. We didn't bring any condoms. Fuck up #3.


Usually Dave will tuck a couple away just to be prepared, but neither one of us thought anything would be going on on a Thursday night when everyone has to get up and go to work the next morning (except me).


Well, he had a condom, so of course, I'm assuming that Dave brought a couple, so we're over there having fun with intercourse and Dave and his wife were having fun sans intercourse. A bummer, I thought. If I'd known this, I think I would have suggested that we just trade back to our own partners.


Well, to make a long story short, Dave said he had a great night, even after my apologies. She said she had a great time just as well. I still feel bad that they didn't get to have intercourse, but glad they both had fun.


I give advice to NOT do fuck up #1 & #2 and this is exactly what I did. So, I'm kickin' my own ass today. :rollseye: Dave says I'm being too hard on myself, but I still can't believe I had that kind mentality last night.


Jeez. :rollseye:

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Okay...I agree you had some fuck-ups but...I have a question.


If you're at the other couples house are you saying that they only had ONE condom? I mean what was wrong with Dave asking for a condom? Is it that he only likes one particular brand and won't use any other?


Just curious on the condom part of the night.



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If they invited you back to their place, they should have had extra condoms available IMO. We've never been over to anyone's house who didn't have them AND offer them to us.

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Sure, you did some things wrong...ok, fuck-ups are the right word. But, in this case you don't seem to have caused a problem at all between you and Dave.


Really, who hasn't fucked up at some point? Chill.



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Sounds like the only real fuck up was not asking Dave whether he was OK with going to their house. He should have remembered to bring condoms or asked for one there. Doesn't seem like a big deal.


Sounds like Dave & the other gal had fun. Did you?

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On the way home, I thought the same thing. I'm not sure why Dave didn't ask if they had another condom. Probably just a bit too shy, I guess? I also wondered why she didn't offer to give him one?

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Dave is actually fine with everything. He would have agreed to all of the above. He can't figure out why I think I fucked up. When I explained to him what I'd done wrong, he didn't think it was an "oops" like I did.

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