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Sometimes a small party is a good thing

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Friday night we went to Menages for the first time in several months. We've been on Fridays a few times and typically they are much quieter than Saturday nights, but we always seem to have a good time, if not a better time with the smaller crowd.


Friday night was their "lock & key" party, so when we got there we were hoping to hear about that, but no one said anything. We sat down at a table and there were maybe 10 couples in the place. The music wasn't really appealing to us so finally Pet asked if I wanted to go walk (meaning go upstairs). So we went up and walked around. It was cold upstairs and we went back to the one warm room and before long another couple came up. We talked to them a bit but they weren't really a couple we'd be interested in, so we headed back downstairs.


When we got down there it looked like the entire room had moved to the bar, but we didn't think much of it... just figured it was one of those odd moments when everyone decides they need ice. About 5 minutes later a guy comes up to us and asks if we got our lock & key. Um No. Evidently we picked exactly the wrong moment to go upstairs and missed the start of the game.


The upside about it being such a quiet night was that it was a perfect night for a game like that. Pretty much everyone who played just stayed near the bar and waited for each person to get a new lock or key to see if they fit, then once they found their match they got back in line to get a new lock or key (the goal was to find the most matches). We got to meet just about all the couples who were there and talk to several of them as we stood in line.


While we were playing I noticed a young couple that had come up in and sat down. Finally, I went over to them and just said "hey you guys should get your lock and key, it's a great way to meet people". They didn't hesitate "OK!" They were quite cute. I introduced myself and found out that it was their first time there, so I talked with them a bit, explained the game and just chatted.


After the game we went back and sat down and Pet told me that he'd talked to her and they were just looking for a woman. "A woman for her or a woman THEM?". "From the sounds of it a woman for them. She seemed very quick to make sure that I knew that.". Interesting. The guy kept checking me out for the rest of the night and had they been into couples we would have been quite interested. Too bad.


It seemed to be the night for that. Later on we found another new couple had sat down next to us. We started talking with them and found out that similar to us, she had a history of swinging (with her ex) and he was brand new to it. Initially he had been sitting next to me and she traded places with him so she could talk to me more. Then she asked if we wanted to go upstairs. We hadn't really intended to play that night, just were trying to enjoy the atmosphere and kinda try to get back into the swing of things. But I asked her what she had in mind. She responded with "oral". "Can you be more specific?" "I want you". That was her answer. It was too bad too... because had they been looking for everyone to play we'd probably have thrown our original plan out the window and gone with it. Girls are fun but I'm getting tired of the whole lets go to the club and watch the girls play gamut. It's so much more fun when everyone is involved. We did that bit early on when we went and it just always seemed really awkward because the guys would stand back and watch while the girls went at it.


All in all it was a great night and we had a lot of fun despite the small crowd. The best thing about a small crowd. It's easier to meet people and easier to see who you want to meet... and easier to meet them again later if you want.

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Haha ah perspective.


Odds are if that were us I'd be tempted to write another 'doesn't anyone swing?' post.


Of course the difference would be we had to plan 3 weeks in advance for baby sitting logistics and wouldn't be able to go again for another month at least.

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Which "us" are you referring to ... us us or them us?


We did actually go upstairs and play (with each other) and would have loved to have actually had foursome fun with several couples.... the whole "we're here to find a woman" thing is just getting old.

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Us as in if we were in your shoes finding couples that were not interested in anything beyond women or 'borrowing' women.

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I can understand where you would have been making that post. I do think it comes down to perspective. We go to the club to have fun regardless of what might happen. If we do hook up with a couple GREAT! If not, we will be upstairs doing each other in some form or other before the night is over... and thinking how lucky we are that we do know some great couples that we can enjoy.

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Speaking of looking for just a woman...A few months ago at a M&G we didn't know anyone and saw a couple sitting alone like us. They were attractive to us, so we figured we would go talk to them, a bit step for us since we were pretty new then. We talked for awhile, and seemed to get along well, only to find out they were mostly looking for a woman, for her. Geez, burst our bubble, lol. We're into couples, and the wife is happy to do some girl-girl softer stuff, but not into full g-g. We did have some fun on the dance floor with them..and have seen them several times since at various clubs and M&G and still chat and dance..so not a total loss.

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