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To borrow from a well known commercial slogan, Nobody doesn't like chocolate!!!!


I'm kind of lucky as far as good chocolates go. My wife is a chocolatier and I get plenty of samples from the cull of blemished truffles. I'm exploring the world of chocolates from single origin samples to complex blends along with fruits and nuts in the finished candy.


Nobody puts milk in their GOOD chocolate, so come on over to the dark side.... where the parade of flavors march across your tongue as the chocolate slowly melts and coats your mouth with a velvety smooth suspension of cocoa solids in a rich creamy oil, perfectly diluted with saliva. Feel the coolness on your tongue as the cocoa butter changes from a solid to a liquid. Feel the texture of the solids as they slide apart and disperse in your mouth. Feel the happy little flavor explosions happening all over your tongue. A rainbow of flavors, each lasting only moments in their distinctiveness and blending together in a medley crescendo that results in a mini-orgasm for your tongue. A series of flavors recognizable as raisins or prunes or maybe a certain nut. Each bite is an experience to behold.


One orgasm is never enough, right??? So, we marry those chocolate flavors with a cognac, single malt scotch, or maybe a nice wine. KA_BLOOOOOY - a tongue orgasm so intense it brings tears to your eyes and sparks that happy little tingle in your jaw joints. Talk dirty to me BABY!!! Endorphins going postal,,,, oh!, the humanity.....


So, why the soliloquy on chocolate when it's not exactly breaking news that chocolate is good stuff??? Most of what I get to sample is available only locally because it's hand crafted in a little shop down town. Last week, she brought home some samples of Valrhona chocolate that were near their expiration (expiring chocolate is a whole nother story). There was a bar of 72% that really caught my attention because of it's boldness and intensity - nice rich raisiny explosion and good vanilla. I recommend it for when ever ya might want "sex against the wall" kind of chocolate. The 85% was just as good but much more subtle and perhaps a little more complex. Think of that one as an extended cuddle session with marshmallow orgasms. I'm not really a fan of orange and chocolate but their stuff is good in that category too. Valhrona is ubiquitous and we can all share a virtual soft swinging tongue orgy.


Everybody together,,, one, two, three, bite..................

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Chocolate and sex - the two most pleasurable joys in life! That paragraph about the sensations of eating chocolate was downright hot. Food erotica, who'd have thought it could be so good :facelick:

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A secret fantasy of mine that I've never told anyone not even my husband is one that involves chocolate!

This blog alone made me want to just scream...wonderful!!!

I have always wanted to be a tasting table of sorts...just think it would be extremely sexy. Just laying on a bed or table would be better (b/c of the slightly uncomfortableness) of it all with nothing on. Then have several types of rich dark chocolates, strawberries, wipped cream as well as fine complimenting liquor placed and poured on certain parts of my body and eaten off. mmmm

I would also want a taste or two when everyone else was throught with their own little party!

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