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Fingers, the other penis.

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I have noticed that one activity that goes fairly unchecked is fingering. As a great part of foreplay, most people forget or just don't care about the health risks associated with the practice. Mrs. CXXC is even numb to the thought.


We were at a LS resort back in June. One afternoon, the hot tub was filled to capacity (and then some) with people engaged in virtually every sexual activity under the sun. I had noticed one group of people, in particular, who were just having the time of their lives.


The one issue I did find with the group was that one gent would go from woman to woman and finger each for a moment then move to the next. In a couple instances, he would finger two at the same time.


My big question here is, why do we wear condoms? Isn’t it to protect the us all from STD's?


I observed this group in full sexual engagement later that day. The men were wearing condoms then. It just struck me as odd and slightly wrong.


I guess my thought for the day is, "Why wear condoms when the fingers, which carry so many more bacteria and viruses, are used in play and foreplay?"


Does anyone here think I am being overly concerned, silly or paranoid? Would anyone here agree that this practice is overlooked as a potential hotbed of STD transmission?


Perhaps the group felt that as the hot tub was overflowing with chemicals to kill or subdue bacteria, their hands would be sterile. I simply believe they thought nothing of the fact and were enjoying the activity.


I am a Purell Junkie! If I am to play with someone, you can rest assured that my hands are as clean as they can get without placing them in an autoclave. Does this make me anal or considerate? Would you think of me as the Mr. Monk of the lifestyle?


Even though I am 100% certain that my wife is clean and free of any STD, I would not finger her and then move to the next woman to perform the same activity. If I did, I would certainly clean my hands thoroughly before the act.


Then there is the issue with anal and vaginal fingering. I witnessed this within the group as well. I know that when these ladies got home, there was at least one woman with a good (Well, there are no good UTI’s) UTI. What is the bacteria that would cause that UTI? E-COLI!


Please don't think I am requesting gloves to be worn by everyone. If we were to truly do all we could to prevent the spread of STD's, we not be swingers or we would all be wrapped in latex from head to toe. What fun would that be?


I just think that people should be aware of this practice and consider the possibilities. We wear a condom for a reason. We have 10 little penis' (Fingers) that are just as capable of damage. :nono:

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Wow, the things I never think of can be overwhelming. I never thought of that. I'm in the Army, and get checked (along with most if not all of my playmates) on a regular basis. We still use condoms (No one wants love children) but I've never thought of fingers being unclean. I mean, usually we take a shower or use the hot-tub (both). And I personally love using my fingers. I'm never going to be able to use them again without remembering this string, and using sanitizer between each play. If nothing else, thanks for the heads-up.

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and don't forget the chance of bacteria going the other way too, especially in the winter with chapped hands and maybe open areas on your hands where you might pick up bacteria, E-Coli causes a rather nasty skin infection. All in all everyone just has to be careful and as cautious as your particular poison allows.

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