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How to get even with the TSA!

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One thing I hate more than stubbing my toe in MY OWN HOME is the TSA. This band of fools, idiots and freshly promoted mouth breathers make every vacation a test for just about everyone.


I guess after years of working at McDonalds or not working at all, the opportunity to obtain a govt. job (and eventually a retirement package) is a dream come true.


They are rude, ignorant, intolerant, and most of all getting a superiority complex akin to the prison guard/prisoner relationship.


I could go on and on about these pimples on the ass of humanity and the lack of an true need for them as they do not protect at all. But my story is more aobut how I get even with them each time I pass by them on my way out or back from a trip! I should also make mention that I have absolutely no modesty nor am I ahy in any way regarding speaking in public.


Last June Mrs. CXXC and I went to Desire Resort and Spa in Cancun Mexico. This was our 10th anniversary and I wanted to do it up right. 2 weeks in heaven, nothing spared, this trip was all about Mrs. CXXC!


First thing I should remind everyone, 1st class does not have the same weight limits on luggage. It is 75 pounds per bag and there are not extra fees for the 2nd bag. I packed as if we were in coach.


The reason I mention the packing issue is that while packing, we had to put several items in our carry on that we would not normally. These items were mainly sex toys.


I had my laptop backpack filled with various items of a sexual nature as well as my laptop and medications (No viagra). As we approached the X-ray machine we were ready to just breeze right through.


We had everything metal off and in the bucket, no shoes, no hats, belt buckle off, no change, everything was in the bucket.


I slid all of our carry on stuff through to the machine and walked through the metal detector. Not a beep!


Mrs. CXXC walks through and BEEP!!!


The TSA Moron tells her to empty her pockets. She is standing before him in a spaghetti strapped sun dress (No POCKETS) and a thong. Nothing else.


She informs the moron that she does not have any pockets. This Mental Tax break insists she has pockets. Mrs. CXXC announces with great disdain, "It’s a sundress! There are no pockets! Do I need to take it off?"


Rather quickly and to my surprise, the leader of "Jerry's Kids" is immediately beside Mrs. CXXC asking her to clam down. Mrs. CXXC was not being excited but was speaking in a voice loud enough to be heard above the din of the others being nearly strip searched by Neanderthals.


I step to the side of my wife to see what I can do and am asked to step aside as they wand her.


"Are there batteries in that thing? I don't want you to waste your time!" I ask.


I get dumb looks from many people some times, but this troupe of malcontents tops it for me. "DOES EVERY ONE HERE HAVE AN EXTRA CHROMOSONE???" I announce as they pull me to be searched now.


It appears we are now subjects of interest and our carry-on bag had some questionable items. OH! They were going to be so sorry they stopped me.


The best part for me is that a fairly young and pretty (Not the thick and ugly one I usually see behind this badge. You know the type, dullards walking into walls with dead eyes and no lights on) young lady had my carry-on and was opening it. My laughter was building.


"They are opening our carry-on now." I yell across the partition to my wife, as I give her a step-by-step of the event.


The little lady looks up at me as a deer in the headlights when she realizes that the bag is filled with sex toys. My grin is so broad, the top of my head nearly falls off!!


Item one, the Hitachi wand is the first to be removed...."She just pulled out your Hitachi Wand Vibrator!" I announce.


Heads turn.


Item two, 20 pack of maxim condoms.... "Now she is looking at my condoms!"


Mrs. CXXC is not really paying attention to me as she is being “Wanded” and Ogled by the thugs in uniform. She threatens to take the sundress off to show she has no metal or weapons hidden. The mental midgets consider this and I SWEAR I saw one of them touch himself with the thought! Filthy disgusting animals!!!!


This poor child, searching my bag, is not looking at anything else but the bag and its content. Her eyes are intentionally being kept down. I almost feel for her. Guilt by association! Sorry, I just can’t do it. No compassion here!


Item three, the rabbit...."She has your blue Rabbit Vibrator! Did you pull the batteries? You know that thing kills batteries if you leave them in it."


People are starting to back up as the TSA agent pulls more things from the bag. The area is getting crowded and packed with people wanting to see what is next and hear what I am saying. I even noticed a few giggles and smiles. I was having fun!


Item 4, waterproof remote control vibrator....."Yep, Honey, they just keep pulling out all your sex toys! She just finger banged your wireless remote controlled waterproof vibrator! You know the one you like in the hot tub? The pink covered thing with the pleasure dots all over it! The one we took to the club and you danced with it on high all night! Remember?"


I think I had gone overboard a little that time as a second TSA agent stood beside the girl and asked me to keep my voice down. I had to argue tho. So I did!


"Hey! If you are going to put you hands all over my wife and my sex toys, causing me to have to re-sanitize them before we can use them, I want her to know which ones you are contaminating!" I debated with them loudly for just a few moments before the Mental Midget of a Manager came over to where I was standing and attempted to control the situation.


Item 5, and at the perfect time, the MONSTER DILDO! 13 Inches long and 9 inches in circumference. HOT PINK! With the words, “The Punisher” on the package. This was a gift for a friend meeting us in Mexico.


I hear a mumbling, “Holy crap! Look at that thing!” in the crowd.


It was perfect! The girl pulled it out and as it was still int hat hard plastic package, it had to be pulled ALL THE WAY OUT!


The manager got to my side JUST IN TIME to see the MONSTER COCK inch its way from the bag. When this master of intellect went to speak, he just stood there lip drooping closer to the floor!


“That’s it Honey! We are going to have to wash all of our sex toys when we get to the resort. They have pulled them all out, Including the MONSTER DILDO!”


This snaps the manager out of his stupor. “Sir, you are going to have to keep it down.”


Remember now, I’m 6’4” and don’t often meet people my height. When needed I take full advantage of my stature. With my hands out to the sides, open palms, I move in closely to the manager, look down upon him and say in my deep and most commanding voice, “Let my wife and I go, and we are no longer your problem!”


He nodded to the young lady who had pulled everything out of the bag. She started to put the monster cock back in but was unable to as the bag had other items still in it. I asked if I could help. She smiled and handed me my bag. I slid to my left just an inch or two just to give the guy beside me some room for his inspection and proceeded to pull everything out of the bag and repack it.


It only took me two or three minutes to repack my bag, retrieve all of our belongings and make it out of the security station. However, in those two minutes, I heard several giggles, mumbles and and ocasional tisk, tisk!


Once we had our shoes on and stuff back where it all belonged, we headed straight to the Admirals club for several drinks and to relax before the flight! By the way, Mrs. CXXC couldn’t understand what I was saying at all as the TSA fools were constantly talking around her.

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Priceless! Just Priceless! I too hate the TSA agents...I purposely put all my sex toys, and sexy T-shirts, folded so you can read everything on them, right on top of the bag....you want to look in my bag...enjoy :lol:


I did have one of them ask me one time while he was checking my checked luggage if I planned on having fun over the weekend. There was a Swingers Board T-shirt on the top...a swingers magazine that had a review of a convention we attended that I had written and a few other choice items...I smiled and said yep, meeting my husband and a couple of friends for the weekend. We plan on having lots of fun.


The best thing to do with the sex toys/dildos is put them in a plastic zip-lock bag with some lube and squish them around a bit and then tell the TSA..Oops...I forgot to wash those before they were packed.



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LMAO at Teresa's idea. That should make them cringe a bit.


I thought it was bad enough when we were going through and one of them asked Petl to take his sweatshirt off. It was a normal hoodie sweatshirt (baggy) and no he didn't have a shirt on underneath. His whatever attitude, he had it halfway off before the girl was like "uh nevermind, I didn't realize you didn't have a tshirt on". :rollseye:

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1 Vibrating Hitachi Wand - $90

1 Pink Rabbit Vibe - $56

2 First class tickets to Mexico - $750


The look on the TSA agents face when they go through your carry-on - Priceless!

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I am surprised the TSA thugs didnt pull the Monster Dildo out and say it could be used as a weapon!


I too like T's idea! Next trip! I promise. however, they may claim it to by a bio-weapon! So, Who knows. But I will be ready for them. When they open the bag and 100 condoms fall out due to my packing! HE HE HE!


And as I exit, Ill grab one of the toys and ask where the nearest FAMILY bathroom is as I pull Mrs. CXXC by the hand! HE HE HE

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Not to put a big old wet blanket on this fun fest, but having a friend who died at the WTC, I'm a bit more forgiving of the TSA.


Its a pain in the ass, it cost me an expensive piece of equipment that I accidentally had in a carry on, being a union run government agency it has more than its fair share of mouth breathers, but I can't get overly upset and normally there is never an issue when I'm flying, but then again I pack to avoid issue.


If I was working for the TSA and found a bag with a lot of odd 'projectile' shaped objects with electronics inside, I'd be sure as hell to open it.

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I am not discounting the many lives lost in the World Trade Center. I too lost friends in that horrific attack. My sympathy goes out to you in your loss.


However, The TSA (Not unionized at this time but no doubt will soon be) has done little to keep the skies safe. In fact, time and again, they have failed their own tests in preventing individuals from bringing explosives on to the aircraft.


As I travel nearly 75% for my job, I have spent more time in line at the TSA than I do in the seat of the aircraft. What I have seen these mouth breathers do would make any sane individual gasp in disbelief.


If you want to hear the situations I have seen with my own eyes, let me know. It is an abject abuse of power. Again, they do little more than slow down the process. They overlook people who should be observed in order to avoid "Profiling" while grandmothers, housewives, G.I's and your standard Americans are held up for search and in many cases, ridiculous seizure.


For this blog, however, I prefer to keep it light. Let us just say that the rats have won this race.

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They are not union yet? I'm shocked, its going to get really really bad when that happens then.


A few years ago I was traveling with a Palestinian and a Pakistani friend of mine both in their early 30's. This was maybe a year after 9/11. Anyways we are in line and they are both joking they will be searched, and one of them said he better be searched because he had no desire to die himself. Anyways they search the girl in front of us, a 5'2" blond thing, maybe 110 lbs, and the three of us stroll right on the plane. They were both laughing about how ridiculous it was.

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I can not agree with you more. Once they become unionized, there will be no stopping them from excersizing the FULL Prison Guard/Prisoner mentality. It will take an act of congress to fire even the worst offender within that group. We are talking HORRIFIC!


One of my MANY situations that almost landed me in an inerrigations room was a flight from Orlando to Raleigh. I was in line and noticed a man, VERY advanced in years with a walker and shoulder strap O2 tank, canula etc...


They had this poor old guy take off his shoes, belt, O2 Tank and walk through without the use of his walker. I nearly lost it and made mention, aloud, of the foolishness of the deed.


One of the mental tax breaks pointed at me and demanded I keep quiet. To which I rebuffed him with demanding an explanation for the decision to cause this elderly gent such trouble.


The thug said something into his Walkie and glared at me the entire time as I passed through the detector (no beep) and retrieved my belongings. As I was nearing the exit, I was braced by yet another knuckel dragging baffoon.


"You need to keep quiet and let us do our jobs!" I was ordered.


As I slipped around him, I ordered back, "Then DO YOUR JOB!"


He followed me partially out of the security check point but I slipped into the Admirals Club rather quickly. That was the end of the deal.


I felt so badly for the elderly gent. Being, virtually, violated. It was just WRONG!

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Oh Mr. CXXC, the more I read your posts and blogs, the more I like you! :kissface: You are a man after my own heart. There is nothing I enjoy more than making "customer service" (inc. TSA) squirm LOL. I'm the girl in the classroom who will loudly announce in the middle of the exam "Hey! Quit looking at my exam!" ;)


We could have a lot of fun causing trouble LOL...of course now I'm not so sure we want to go thru all that at DIA... :hahaha:

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I wish I could take credit for the toy/bag/lube however, Ted is the one that told me and it was someone else who told him. I've yet to try it but...have seriously considered it.



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Speed and Trixie

Mrs. CXXC is more subdued than I am. However, she has been known to tell rude individuals to "LOOK at my TITS when you talk to me!" Just to make a point.



I really have to try that next time. That and pack a baggie full of tomato stems. That gets them every time! HA HA

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