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Hot tub installaion part 3

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Sorry for the length of this tale. I have tried to make it as short as possible. This is the last part.


As night fell upon Savannah, the stars were out in force. Mrs. CXXC and I could enjoy gazing at them in our new hot tub. I would brag to her just how much I saved and just how much effort I had put inot it. We ate our steaks, drank our drinks. I wanted to check the temp so went to the tub, lifted the lid, saw that it was 85 degrees and felt such accomplishment. I pushed the buttons to turn the pumps on to see if there would be a surprise dislodged frog. The pups jumped to action. Bubbles and jets streamed perfectly.


Then EVERYTHING went black. The pumps died. The lights went out. Nothing was working. I pressed buttons frantically. Nothing happened. I went to the disconnect. The GFCI breaker had not tripped. I flipped it off and then on. Nothing happened. I went to the main breaker box. I flipped the 50 amp breaker. Again nothing happened. The tub was dead! Did I blow both pumps? Did the control pannel blow out? What happened. I really couldn’t see much in the dark, so I went into the house to get a flash light. It was then that I realized, the ENTIRE house was black.


Had I just wipped out the whole house? I ran back to the main breaker box. I flipped the main breaker for the house. Off, on, off, on. Nothing! I whent in and tried individual breakers to see if something was causing issues. Nothing! I picked up my cell and called my Bro-in-law. He had left just before dinner. He knew I had a little volt meter in my tool drawer. He instructed me on what to set it at and where to tap test this section or that on the breaker box. Nothing was working. I was certain that I had fried my home with the addition of the hot tub.


As I stood there in the dark, head lamp affixed to my head, trying to get a reading from the meter, I began to sweat. I was going to fork out WHO KNOWS WHAT to fix the power to my hose. Good thing I got the hot tub so cheap.


Bro-in-law asked me to touch the two poles of the incoming power to the house with the leads from the meter. Expecting to be electorcute and to see fireworks as I KNEW I would cross the connection somehow, I moved very slowly and steadily.


“What does the meter read?” He asked.


“I cant tell, my light is on the leads and the meter is not back lit” I explain. “Hang on, let me hold the meter up to the window, so the kitchen light will shine on it.”


“112” I announce.


“Ummm’, he says.


“WHAT?“ I yelp! “Is that Bad? What did I do? Did we connect somehting wrong?”


“No,” He started to laugh. “Can you see the readout from the kitchen light?”


“Yes. I told you it said 110.” I snapped.


“You can see this? By using the KITCHEN LIGHT”, he enunciated.


“YES!” I barked. “What is wrong?


In a giggling voice he informes me, “You have power!”


“I do?”


“ HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Look in your kitchen. If there is a light, you have power!” he informed.




“Thanks.”, I hung up. I turned the GFCI breaker back on and sure enough, I had my hot tub and I got it so cheap!

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:lol: It's so good to read other people's adventures and realize Ted and I are not alone in some of the things we seem to find ourselves in. I don't think we have ever started one project and not have it snowball into a 100 different things that just HAD to be taken care of first.


Loved the story!



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I have so many Miss-Adventures when it comes to stuff like this. Power and water are not my friend!!!!!

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Guest warrencouple


Bet you're real happy you saved a lot of money buying that used hot tub!:lol:


I know my limits, and setting up a hot tub isn't among them!



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Actually, considering I saved a great deal on a really great hot tub, I am happy. However, these are just little stories I get to bore my future grandchildren with.


Back in 09.......

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We are do-it-yourself er's and often come across some great goofs that we've done. I can't imagine a frog in your drain hose. I can honestly say I've only seen one cockroach in my life and that was on my mother-in-laws garage. It was as big as my cell phone. GROSS!!


What a GREAT read!! When you get rid of that stump your dog found, I expect a new story. *snicker*.

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That sucker is going to stay there for a while. I have a list longer than both my arms stretched out. Unfortunately, buying a home in Savannah is like casting dice. You get what you roll. Granted, the house is structurally sound, in a FANTASTIC location and neighborhood and has a great yard. BUT! It is a house built in 1956 with 1956 issues. So, these are going to take some time to remedy.

Having not been the 2nd owner is yet another matter. Everyone thinks they have a better idea for wall coloring/paper. That is actually the next BIG project. I discovered 6 LAYERS of wall paper int he dinning room alone. The fun part is goign to be removing it without pulling down the plaster and lath. ACK!!!

I promise, I will document all my misadventures. I have a few already written but will release them weekly. Gotta give the readers somehting to look forward to.

Thank you for the encouragement.

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Guest warrencouple




Yeah, saving the $$$ would've made it worth it, although I'm not quite as "handy" as you seem to be. I can manage basic home stuff, but the big projects (and I'd consider a hot tub install big) I'd stay away from.


Now, if you need a PC worked on, I'm your go-to guy! You know,

10 print "guy"

20 goto 10



I have thoroughly enjoyed your "mis"-adventures in home maintenance though, and am glad I started reading them! Keep 'em coming!



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Sure Warrencopuple, break out the old basic programming language. Impress us all with some Machine language now! HA HA HA!

Like I said, I am capable in just about everything but power and water. What did I do? I installed a Hottub. Both Power AND water! DOH! What ever was I thinking.

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I have the answer for this question: "Have you ever been to Savannah in the summer? 104 with 99% humidity. Why the HELL would I want a hot tub here?"


Yes, I lived in Savannah from 1992 -1994. Why would you have a hot tub in Savannah? To cool off! With the air temp at about 100, 85 degree water would feel great! I'm thinking 85 is about the temp of the water off of Tybee Island, and look how popular that place is...


I also have to tell you that you have a way with telling a story. Great work, and a very fun read.

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Thank you! I am glad that you enjoy my telling.


As for keeping the tub below the 104 mark, HA! Mrs. CXXC LOVES the heat! Like I said, all I need now is a food processor to dice and add the veggies to the tub while I soak and I will change my name to Stew!

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