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CXXC's Blog

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Oops! I did it again!

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I was looking at the list of current blogs earlier today and noticed that I have been filling the bin. Yes, I am being green by using only recycled electrons, but fear my habit may be getting out of hand.


There is, after all, only so much the reader will tolerate. Truly, how much do you want to know about the life and lifestyle of Mr. and Mrs. CXXC?


The humorous anecdotes and lifestyle ruminations are, to some, a treat, but my ability to spin yarn after yarn may get the best of me by leaving me with nothing to report.


I write these blogs in the hope of capturing the thoughts and suggestions of the reader. Several of you have shared your similar stories and memories with me. I thank you for that.


The swinger’s board is a fantastic social networking device with which Mrs. CXXC and I gain great information and knowledge. We are VERY thankful to Julie for her efforts in its creation. We are equally thankful for all of those who have shared their experiences and information with us as well. We have learned quite a bit and have avoided many mistakes as we have read the warnings of others.


We view each blog posted on this site as a little window into the life of the writer. My wife and I are voyeurs in that we look into these windows to study, learn, observe, laugh and, in a few cases, live vicariously.


We relish each and every new blog posted. We discuss the nature of the blog. We find ourselves searching our own minds and hearts as the issues pertain to our own lives. These blogs have enabled us to discover new and exciting parts of our own existence.


We offer our stories to the reader as payment for their efforts and perhaps, in trade for their own. "Quid pro quo" so to speak.


As I am certain many members of this board do, I read the articles posted before I head off to work. There I think of the topics, laugh at the stories or empathize with the writer. This makes my day pass with ease.


However! I need to take it down a notch. I may run out of subject matter soon. So my pen will slow down. Again, I fear I may be keeping others from posting as I flood the page with posts.


Will you look at that! Oops! I did it again. Another blog! ACK!

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You're not preventing me from posting to my blog. I go in spurts, as the dates of my posts will prove. I post a lot in a short period of time, then I don't post a thing for a while. Nothing but what's going on inside my brain keeps me from posting, or makes me post.


As far as your 'filling the bin' is concerned, it ain't full yet. Keep going if you'd like. I, for one, enjoy the hell out of your posts - if for no other reason than I can have Lin read them, and be able to tell her, "See? I'm NOT the only one...!"

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I would NEVER presume to stop you from posting to the blog. I am sorry if I ever gave that impression. PLEASE!!!! KEEP POSTING!!

In fact, one of the reasons I wish to back off a bit is in the hopes that others may start posting more. It is always great to read the adventures of others in life (Vanilla or LS) and to get to know them better.


Thank you for your kind words. I will probably post a new blog 2 times a week. There is so much to tell! I have lived a rather interesting (and now that I can look back and laugh) somewhat funny life!

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This line is what prompted my reply: "Again, I fear I may be keeping others from posting as I flood the page with posts."


Just letting you know that you're not keeping me from posting, so flood on, McDuff!


As I said before, the only thing that keeps me from posting more is my mind. My blog entries either flow from beginning to end, or they don't. That's what's kept me from being a writer - I can't stop, then start again. If I have something to write, I have to sit down and write it with no interruptions. If I don't get it finished, it goes unfinished. I have half a bazillion stories, blog entries, novels, and such the never got finished. Once I have to let go of it for any reason at all, I just can't get back into it.


So - you posting 4 or 5 times a week has nothing to do with others posting to their blogs. That was my point.


And I, for one, enjoy the hell out of what you write.

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Me too Mr CXXC! I truly enjoy reading your posts in the discussion threads and your blog.


I have even learned not to drink my coffee while reading your blogs, especially regarding TSA :lol:



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I thank each of you for your encouragement and compliments. Truly, I was not after that, but I thank you so.


I just felt I was keeping others from posting blogs by posting so many.


I am SOOOOOO Sorry aobut the morning coffee thing. I really dont know how to warn anyone what may or may not be funny. So, drink at your own risk.


thank you again!

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