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Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!

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I can't help myself! I just keep adding blogs! ACK!


One of the first things people will notice about a man is the way he keeps his hair. Most men are fairly lazy and stick with the same style for most of their lives.


Jells, sprays and various hair products are being marketed to men as much as women. My grandfather would be rolling in his grave if he saw my nephew using hair jell to shape his new style.


In my teens, I was forced to keep a modest hair style due to the school I attended. Once in college, I let it grow! That lasted for about 5 years or so until I met an ULTRA CONSERVATIVE (soon to be Ex-wife) woman and began to date. She liked the bad boy image but as time passed, she requested that I get a “Normal” hair cut. Sigh. The things we do to get some. ACK! So there I was, back to the standard hair style.


Move ahead 10 years. I was free! Yep, she asked for a divorce and I happily (I really did smile) agreed. That was the last hair cut I had for 13 years.


My hair was down to the middle of my back. Long Dark flowing curls were kept in a pony tail in the office but freed once the work day was finished. Many women would comment on my hair with envy. Hey! I took care of it. I had a full head of hair and saved a great deal on hair cuts in 13 years. Ok, perhaps the rubber bands and various hair ties could amount to equal the total of the number of hair cuts. But who kept count. It did bother me that my wife (Mrs. CXXC) would steal them from my valet when I want looking. She too had very long and beautiful hair, still does.


Now, there comes a day when a man looks in the mirror and has to make a decision. Each man who grows his hair long must one day take a good hard look and ask himself, “Should I cut this off?” “Do I look good enough to pull it off?”


“Honey!!! Should I cut my hair? Do I still look ok with long hair?”


That never happened to me. I never once took that trip to the mirror. I never had the opportunity to ask myself or my wife those questions. I lost a bet!


My best friend and I have a REALLY bad habit of betting on the dumbest stuff. Trust me! We bet on some really silly things. How fast it will take a snail to cross the side walk, type bets. One day in particular, the betting was extra silly. It lasted all day. The unfortunate part of this day is that I kept losing. I generally won 50% of the bets and would walk away with $20.00 in my pocket or that much lighter. However, this particular day, I could not win to save my life. Each time we bet, the $$ doubled. I must say, my best friend tried in every way to give me a chance to walk away without owing him anything. It was not in the cards. Hell, I lost at that too!


By the end of the day, it had come to shooting daisy heads off the stems with a B-B pistol. The issue here is that this guy SUCKS with hand guns. But like an idiot savant, he hit every one, severing the head from the stem. I could not hit a single one. AND I AM GOOD WITH HANDGUNS!!! DAMN IT!


The total wagers for the day came to $2600.00.


We have an agreement among out friends. If you lose and owe $999.99, you have to pay. If you owe $1000.00 you don’t pay, you have to do something you would never normally do or something embarrassing. My payment for losing the $2600.00 was…….. Drum Roll please!


I had to shave my head. I was given two weeks to prepare myself for the event. In those two weeks, I decided to have some fun. So, I dyed my long tresses blonde. The VERY next day, Mrs. CXXC was shaving my head. She could not stand it.


That was 4 years ago. I have kept my head shaved ever since. It is not that I don’t have the ability to grow my hair out again. I have a full head of hair and could do it easily. The reason is simple. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TIME I SAVE IN THE SHOWER? Holy CRAP! I was spending an extra 15 minutes in the shower EVERY DAY! That mop was costing a small fortune in shampoo and conditioner, never mind the hair ties.


Now, I shave my head every day. Sure, it take about 5 minutes, but compared to the extra 15 in the shower alone, I am ahead of the game. Never mind brushing it out and pulling it back etc… I never did learn how to braid it tho. Mrs. CXXC did that for me from time to time. I have also found that it makes me look a tad younger.


Like any good person, I donated the majority of my curly dark locks to Locks of Love. They were more than happy to take the 2 foot section of braid. So, like the story goes, Hair today, gone tomorrow.:surrend:

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Guest warrencouple


Being one of those "keep one style all your life guys," I don't recall when it was (I think for the Mrs and I getting married) I went with a "high and tight" cut (Best Man = Army, Brother = Marine, Cousin = short hair cut, although I didn't get it Army / Marine short) so we'd all match.


Nearly gave the barber a heart attack when she finished and I told her I was getting married the next day!


Since then, I've found that it's incredibly easy to keep it that way. Couple minutes in the shower in the morning, no gel / spray to keep it in place, run a brush through it after I've towel dried (couple seconds), and done.


Now, if only the Mrs would go for long hair...:facelick:

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Thanks for sharing this, I was kinda wondering if you had long hair at one time. Now I know......


I donated one pony tail to Locks of Love once myself. I said I would do it again when my pony tail touched my belt.


I'm about an inch away today :rolleyes:

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Talk aobut fast! In and out of the shower in 5.



What made you think I would have had long hair?

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Guest warrencouple


No one said I get in and out in 5, that's just how long doing my hair takes!


The shower itself, I tend to be one of those "WHO USED ALL THE HOT WATER" people. Stand there and just soak in the water for a while. My morning showers tend to be good 10-15 minute things, just standing in the water (vegging out)


I can get a shower done in 5 minutes, but I don't like doing that, tend to not be as woke up, nor feel "clean" when I'm done.

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Sigh, Mr CXXC, Speed and I both used to have long hair. Speed has tons of thick blond curls, which many women love. (I have always liked a guy with a shaved head/super short hair....I like to feel his head LOL) I met him when his hair was short and he grew it out a few years back, then promptly shaved it again. Too much trouble he said.


My hair is stick-straight and used to go all the way down to my waist. What a pain! Now it's various lengths but always above my shoulders. I just don't have the patience to deal with it. Plus, I work in a job where I either wear a hat or I will get pooped on (by birds), so what's the point LOL?

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A shaved head is probably the easiest and cheapest way for any man to to keep his hair. I have not really done a cost analysis, but, I am certain the amount of razors, shave cream and sun block that would be used is FAR less than shampoo, conditioner etc...


As for the amount of time in a shower.... I am not one to use much hot water. Growing up in a house of three women and 4 men, I learned early on that hot water was never in great supply. SO!!! I generally keep the hot water to a minimum.

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