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Is good to be back!

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For a little while there I was wondering if we were ever going to get "back in the swing of things". After all the slowdowns last year, we did have one good experience late last year and then I don't know what happened. It seemed like it was 3 steps back for every one forward after that. He was having social issues (as he's posted about) and I was trying to pull back to make sure I didn't try to leave him behind and it was really just leaving us both frustrated. On top of that I think I've had some winter blahs and other blahs going on. So going into Saturday night, I really didn't care if we went or not. I knew we should and I was hoping if we did we'd have a great time, so I didn't say anything or give him the chance to say "ok we won't go". That it was a first social for these hosts and I really wanted to be there to support them/this new social.


So we went, I was anxious to say the least. There were a few other couples signed up that we already know but two in particular that we were looking forward to seeing again. We arrived pretty much as the doors were opening and already there was a decent gathering for the small space. We grabbed a table near the entrance - which also put us basically right in the middle of the room/action - a good place to be to force us to socialize. After almost an hour we were starting to wonder ... neither of the couples we were expecting to see had shown up, and so far the general population was looking a lot older than we were used to. Luckily, things progressed as the night went on. Our two couples never did show up, but the hosts turned out to be an awesome fun couple, and Pet noticed a couple that had contacted us on SLS. From their initial contact we were iffy on them and so we'd told them we'd be there to leave the door open. It turned out we were glad we did. We ended up meeting quite a few other couples throughout the night as well as seeing some familiar faces.


One couple came in and sat down right across from us and while I knew they looked familiar it didn't click right away, until he reminded me. We'd met about a year or so ago at the same location (different social) that had been a bust - maybe 8 or 10 couples, of which I felt like a stick figure next to pretty much all of them, and for some reason I became the target for most of them. We'd talked to them online a few times after that and discussed meeting again, but it was dropped after we had to cancel some plans with them when Pet got sick and they tried to get me to leave him home and come out anyway. Uhm No. Pet had to remind me of what all had happened. I knew we had lost contact with them but it had been a while so I'd forgotten the details.


There was another young couple that I'd noticed a couple of times but had not had a chance to get across the room and say hello. Then I saw them walking out the front door as I was coming out of the restroom. "You can't leave yet, I haven't met you!" They responded with "OK" and followed me back inside where I introduced them to Pet. They did leave shortly thereafter but at least we got to meet them. Yet another couple who's profile did them no justice at all.


In all, it was a very successful night and I really feel like both of us got our "mojo" back and are actually wanting to get out again, rather than dreading it. The next social is in 2 weeks (different hosts/ same location/some different folks, some same) and we are looking forward to it and at the same time wishing there was one this weekend.

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Sometimes it really does take a bit of a "kick in the ass" to want to get ready and go out only to find that you might have had more fun staying home. Kinda makes for a frustrating feeling as we've been there too.


Sounds like it was a great time.

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