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I just had to share the irony. Here I sit in Starbucks typing about swinging and 10 feet from me sits down this young couple who pulls out their Bibles.

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I find that both religion and swinging can be mutually inclusive. It take a bit to explain and perhaps, one day, I will write it all down in a blog.

I think the irony in your situation is that YO would think it is not possible to have both and be happy or at least spiritual. Correct me if I am wrong in my understanding of your statment. Or is it that you are at sorts with the two existing in the same world?

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Neither really. More I just think it's funny that I'm sitting over here typing about swinging... and they are 10 feet away having a Bible study (and intermittently making out ).


As far as me and religion goes, I'm very much NOT. I do believe they can co-exist... I just personally don't believe in it.

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I see. That is funny. Bible study with make out breaks. Cute.

Well, they do say religion is the opiate of the masses. Some like the drug. Some hate the drug while others take it in small doses and others OVERDOSE!

All drugs should be taken in moderation!

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Today it was a Mocha Frappaccino, which I quickly regretted after discovering that my preferred seat was located right under the a/c duct.

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You know I've never really liked coffee.

Edited by Chicup

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Chicup, I think you and I agree on religion (from what I've seen). It's a subject I typically just stay away from. I'm agnostic - so i really just don't give a shit - whereas I know you are atheist (or much closer to it), based on what little you have posted on the subject.

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Interesting semantics on the topic.


I am an atheist, but only 99.9% so, being I can't disprove God of some kind I just believe the probability to be exceedingly low.


Anyone who says there is no god period, is a fundamentalist and should not be taken as a serious thinker on the subject.


Oh and I killed the .gif, it was just what I was looking for but MAN thats annoying.

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Yeah, I'm an atheist too, but I don't necessarily see the conflict. Plenty of believers sort of make of it what they will -- actually, they all do in my opinion. The ones in your entry must have just thought it didn't conflict to study the Bible and then suck face. And maybe it doesn't.

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When I met Mrs. Chicup she was a teenager and still thought of herself as 'religious'. We had sex like rabbits at this point and when the religion topic came up I asked her 'If you are religious and really believe all that, why do you do what you do with me being its quite sinful.' Being this conversation was 16 years ago I don't recall her exact reply but the gist was she was religious and enjoyed having sex like a rabbit and to leave it at that.


And before someone thinks I was risking anything by bringing it up, I already knew she wasn't going to give up having sex with me :)

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I'm pretty much with you on the atheistic tendencies Chicup. My logic and reason dictates to me that there isn't a god, but I'm open minded enough to listen and think critically on the subject.


I see Julie's moment as a sort of Yin & Yang thing. You know, religious text here, swinger forum a few feet away. We've been in similar spots. One club we attend is held at a hotel. For a long time, the hotel rented one of their ballrooms to a church for Sunday morning services. So, after a night of swinger fun, we'd stumble down to the breakfast bar for our complimentary waffles and coffee, we'd pass church members getting ready to pray for us, or something.


The hotel had no opinion on either group, as long as the check cleared. :)


Obviously there are plenty of religious folks that swing too. We've played with quite a few of them. But, let's face it; the vast, vast majority of those that consider themselves religious enough to carry their Bible to a coffee shop would find our lifestyle or beliefs abhorrent.


So, yeah, I get it. And it is teh funneh to me.


EDIT: Oh, I forgot the most important part: I'm a Java Chip Frappuccino man myself. :D

Edited by two4youinswva

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two4you - you hit the nail on the head with where I was coming from in my post. It was just one of those moments that I thought was funny and had to share... and well this was the only appropriate place where I could share it.

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