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How swinging like the unitarian Universalism church?

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A friend of mine mentioned this online quiz you could take that would tell you what religion your beliefs best fit in. It's at beliefnet.com if you are curious. I took it and it the most fitting for my beliefs was Unitarian Universalism. I had to laugh as I read the beliefs for this religion as they are all over map and it basically comes across as if you can believe pretty much whatever you want if you are in this religion... BUT, certain sects/churches within the religion may have more set beliefs than others.


Then I was reading this old thread - Does swinging exist since it can't be perfectly defined?


and the initial post there along with some of the following comments got me thinking... swinging is a lot like the UU church. We don't really have one set dogma, and everyone's definition of what is and is not swinging seems to vary... but yet we do all have something that unifies us together.

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I have been wrestling with the ideas of swinging and religion for quite some time. As we have (most of us) been brought up in the Christian faith, I often wonder how it all ties in and can be acceptable within ones beliefe system. WWJD is not necessarily a working question. Well, perhaps it is. His one and only commandment is, "Love one another!" So, perhaps we actually have that answer.

I am doing more research on the matter. I will write a blog regarding my findings eventually.

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I'm very much non-religious overall. I did grow up in a very religious household (very very Fundamental Baptist), where EVERYTHING was wrong. I believe you don't have to have religion or necessarily believe in god to be a good and moral person.


I can't say that I completely don't believe, and I won't label myself as agnostic. I just finally got to a point many years ago where I realized I just didn't care. I had to live my life for me and not because it was going to please some invisible god or my mother, or anyone else. I have to know (as my mother taught me) that what I'm doing is right and good... but I don't have to wait for a church or a god to set those standards for me.


I tend to avoid the religious discussions on here because I really don't have much to add to them. I never really had to overcome that issue when it came to swinging or well.. anything. There were times in my life where I tried to be a good "christian" and follow what I was taught and during those times I suffered a lot of guilt feelings for every little thing I did. For some they find freedom through religion. I have a girlfriend who was so tied up in her emotions that she didn't know which end was up. She found religion and now feels she has a purpose and is a much happier person. For people like that, I think religion is a good thing... they need it. I don't need religion to have a purpose.

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Yeah, I can see the similarities to Unitarian Universalism. They seem to have the "believe what you want, let's just all get along" attitude. Good observation!



I couldn't resist, so I took the quiz too. I'm now banned from beliefnet.com.




- Ok, not really. They called me a Secular Humanist, which is pretty much right.

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1. Secular Humanism (100%)

2. Nontheist (92%)

3. Unitarian Universalism (92%)


My conclusion would be that Unitarian Universalism is a religion for people with no religion who can't quite have the courage to say they have no religion.

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Chicup, we had the same top 3, just in different order. Your 1. was my 2, with Nontheist as #3. Personally, I think I probably fit better in either of those over UU... as I tend to agree with your summary.

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(Herself, Himself - ranked by sum)

1st - Secular Humanism (100, 98)

2d - Unitarian Universalism (91, 100)

3d - Liberal Quakers (77, 94)

4th - Neo-Pagan (77,83) Her, Wikkans; Him, Ghost Busters

5th - split: Her, non Theist (70); Him, Mainline to Liberal Protostants (88) Explanation for the split - he loves the pageantry, music, and methods of thought, but she figures it's over the top, and responsible for countless harms. She throws it out with the bath water.


Is it any surprise that we are all coming in more or less alike? Swingers Board people are hopeful, like to please and be pleased, attentive to happiness and enjoyment - others' and their own, enjoy a little magic, like to trust and befriend, but inclined to "trust their Grandma, but cut the cards" when they have to believe something. Yes, add imagination and fantasy.

Edited by clit pro poet

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