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I read that my son registered for college.


My first thought was not how much I was going to miss him, but that now we can host. We'll be empty nesters and we can finally host!


How twisted is that? :lol:

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Our daughter is plannning a month long trip after this semester and we have the same thought, lol, though much shorter than your free time.

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I am in the ooposite situation. My daughter lives in VA with her mother. She is going to be moving to Savannah to go to school. She iwll be 3.7 miles from my house. So much for hosting!

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LOL. When I first started reading this I thought the comment was going to be along the lines of "this is how I find out?".

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CXXC, I'm always excited to see my kids, and it's not that I don't want to see them. But for some strange reason, I've been preparing myself for my kids moving out for years. There will be no tears, no feeling sorry for myself. I've done all the crying I'm going to. :)


You don't dare host with a daughter only miles away? I highly doubt that would stop us. We'd just tell her to call before she comes over. :)

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Julie, he's only told me stuff he thought I needed to know. This wasn't one of those times and in fact, in his 19 years, there hasn't been much he really has told us. We found out his high school graduation date from his best friend. He truly is a very eccentric person.

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I can see it now! We have a party, loads of folks attend. 20 couples in various acts and stages of undress.

She comes over to do laundry and ends up seeing me and Mrs. CXXC int he act. How horrifying! Worse yet...What if she joined the jun and I walked in. How the heck would I feel then? ACK!!!!

Nope. Not gonna take a chance or increase the chances of us ever being in those situations.

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Locking doors would not work. She has a key. Closing blinds would only keep the visual out. Moaning, groaning, shreaks and cries of passion would probably make it through the windows. I guess the only way to house a party when she is here is to send her away for a weekend. Hmmmm.... checking flights now.

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Hmmm... a Hawaii vacation sounds good! Maybe one of my favorite vacation spots -- San Diego. Coronado is perfect anytime of year!

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