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What to Wear? What to Wear?

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Like so many others in the lifestyle, Mrs. CXXC has a section in her closet expressly for events and activities within the lifestyle. This section may be fairly large but due to the nature and makeup of the material, it takes up a VERY small portion of her closet. Our philosophy on the “lifestyle wear” is, if you cant pull it through my wedding ring, it is too much fabric! The only items in her “lifestyle wear” of any true substance would be her shoes.


My section of lifestyle wear, unfortunately, is not as grand. In fact, I would be likely to guess that most men have very little in the line of “Lifestyle Wear” for themselves. Sure, we have silk boxers, perhaps a comical thong or two, bath robes and even mesh pants or shirts. What we are afforded is quite limited, however. I have several beach outfits made of linen, flax and cotton that look more like PJ’s than club wear. However, when worn to an event, the pass fairly well.


I am not looking to add to my closet but would like to see more items available for men to wear in lifestyle events. Ladies are most always dressed Hotter than 5 alarm chili. Men simply don pants and dress shirts at most occasions. Do women truly find the selection men have available to them sexy? Are they content with the “Club ware” afforded us?


Mrs. CXXC thinks a suit and tie are sexy as hell! However, what would other ladies think of a man in a suit at a lifestyle event?


I also understand that it is not just the clothes but the way they are worn. You can wear a $5000.00 suit and still look like a bum. It is all about the accessories, the grooming and carriage! No matter what a man wears, he must wear it well. So, with that understanding, what can a man wear to a lifestyle event that makes him look sexy or appealing to the ladies?


I enjoy themed events as they take some of the issue away by enabling us to follow a specific dress code. I have more Hawaiian shirts and shorts for the luaus than a man should ever have. I even have a lime green leisure suit for 70’s nights. Cargo pants and a Sex Pistols T-shirt for 80’s nights, S&M wear, Angel/Devil wear (Complete with horns and a tail or wings if needed), In fact, I have nearly as many costumes as I do suits. Come Halloween, I am never at a loss for a costume. My favorite costume is a pair of roller skates and a smile. (Pull toy) But what does a guy wear for the standard lifestyle event?


Mrs. CXXC will hem and haw, ponder, fret and stress over her outfit for an event.

“Honey, does this look sluty enough?”

“Is this a little TOO over the top?”

“Should the tops of my nipples show or not?”

“Does this make my ass look too big?” (Be careful answering that one)


When I am dressed (it really only takes me 20 minutes to get ready and that is if I shave my head REALLY close) I stand before her and say, “What do you think?”

Mrs. CXXC will generally correct any issues but by and large, my selection is so limited, there is little discussion or question. Her average response is, “You look great!” and she is back to fretting or messing with something else on her outfit.


For all the ladies out there, My question would have to be, what would you like to see men dressed in for lifestyle events? It is not like we want to complicate our lives by stressing over our attire but it would be nice to once-in-a-while say to my closet, “What to wear? What to wear?”

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I wish there was a way to get guys to dress more for themed events but the truth is that most guys look more comical than sexy in what is available to them for said themes. One of our local clubs recently did a "PUttin on the Ritz" night and that was quite hot as there were actually guys there in suits, and one in a tux. Based on what guys usually wear to our socials in our area I had told Pet not to worry too much and stick with his usual button down and jeans (there were plenty of guys dressed along those lines as well), but there were enough he could have dressed up and not stood out.


I like to see a guy in a nice button down and jeans or slacks. I also enjoy seeing a guy dressed up at an event. I think of a tie as a built in leash... adds for much fun.


Guys just really don't have the options in general that women have with clothes. We have pants, skirts, dresses, lingerie, etc. Guys have pants, pants, pants and more pants. All I really ask is that guys make an effort to be clean, and look like they put some thought into their appearance. Tshirts are a turn-off, as are dirty jeans. Sometimes I really wonder how these wives let their men out of the house in what they show up in.

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Again, I agree with you fully! The outfits normally worn by men on theme nights are comical at best. Unfortunately, we are reduced to either looking like clowns or not participating int he activity itself. I prefer to be part of the party and not an on-looker. So, clown or no, I am dressing for the occasion.

Mrs. CXXC feels very similar to you in what outfit she sees as sexy on a man. Short of being nude, Nice clean jeans, a pressed oxford, nice shoes and accesories make a very attractive appearance to her.

Mrs. CXXC feels fortunate in that I think before I leave the house. a man has to look a certain way to please the ladies. More times than not, the decision is made before the first word is spoken.

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LOL...Ted actually does stand in the closet and ask..."What to wear"? He has a ton of club shirts...we also have lots of costumes and he is one that will dress for every theme night there is.


His usual attire is ...nice jeans and a club shirt. His club shirts range in all colors from ones with dragons on them and flames to his favorites...Betty Paige, shirts. He will also at times wear a black dress shirt with a tie...the tie of course is as funky as we can find...the ladies really do love a man in a tie. There are also times he wears his kilt, which is always a big hit.


It is definitely harder for a man to dress for a club than a woman but...a man can never go wrong with a nice pair of jeans and a nice shirt in my opinion.



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I have thought about wearing a kilt several times.(Scottish here) I never heard anyone say they were sexy but they do draw a good deal of attention.


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I have worn a Kilt in the past for various reasons. The one common question is ALWAYS, what is worn under the kilt. My reponce:

"Absolutely Nothing is Worn under my kilt. Everything works Perfectly!"

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I would ask you to see for youself, as I dont wish to expose myself to the room! However, I am certain you will be pleased to discover what is actually worn benieth my kilt!

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Kilts are hot and not only that they are a great conversation starter. There was a regular member here who once (or more) wore a kilt to a meetup and he got all kinds of female attention because of it (ok so the kilt wasn't the only reason).


Pet bought a shirt recently that is really silky feeling and he wore it to a group dinner with swingers we did recently. He had mentioned wearing it and I told him he should as all the women would be feeling him up because the material felt so good. That made up his mind... and the women were all over him (and his shirt).

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OK, Julie!

Ill wear a kilt to the next gathering. I may even wear a very silky white shirt with it. Can't blame me for covering all bases!!

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I'll tell you first hand, CXXC, that a kilt will generate interest at any event. Most people can't see a man in a kilt and not say something, as I'm sure you well know. For a guy, it's the ultimate icebreaker.


To the ladies who ask 'the question,' I have several replies, each depending on the lady and the situation. To the guys who want to call it a skirt, I reply that it's only a skirt if you're wearing pumps and panties with it, and the reason that it's called a 'kilt' in the first place is to honor all of the smartasses 'kilt' for making skirt jokes...

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