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I'm so lucky!

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This posting may seem a little too sweet for some. It may appear like I am bragging. To others, it may be taken at its face value.


I posted a few comments on a topic questioning how we rate our relationships. My answers drew some nice comments and made me feel the necessity to explain a few things about me and my deep love for Mrs. CXXC.


People often stare at me in disbelief when I tell them how I feel toward my wife. Most find it impossible to believe any man could hold such reverence and passion for another individual. They look at me with doubt and even a hint of jealousy. It seems to be beyond them to understand the depths of my love and adoration.


I live by the rule, “You get what you give!”


I give Mrs. CXXC my unconditional love and receive the same. The more I love her, show her, tell her and LIVE my words with her, the more I am given in return.


In truth, there is nothing that I would not do for Mrs. CXXC. “I would Die for you!” is easy. “I will live for you!” is very difficult. Granted, if the choice of life were for her or me, I would naturally give my own. But it is in living that I am able to make my true meaning known.


Each night, I place my hand upon her sleeping form and say a prayer of thanks for having her in my life. She is the last thought I have before I drift off to sleep. Each morning, she wakes me with a smile and a much needed cup of coffee. Again, I close my eyes and pray THANKS for this wonderful gift! Through out the day my walking prayers are filled, again, with thanks for all I have been given. More importantly, I am equally thankful for and to the woman who so willingly elects to walk with me each day through this adventure called life.


One day, so many years ago, I saw an angel walking toward me. From that moment on, the world about her glows brighter. My life is enriched further. Her light makes the path easier to navigate. AND SHE LETS ME WALK WITH HER!!!


In our meager beginnings, we spent most of our days dreaming of a future like we have today. However, we never lost sight of what is really important. If we lost all of our worldly possessions, we would have the one thing that mattered to us most. We would have each other. Today, we stand testament to those feelings as we have a stronger bond in that knowledge.


Do I dote upon her? YES! Do I spoil her? I most certainly do! Her birthday is a legal holiday. I throw large parties each year in honor of the most wonderful creature in all of creation. Live bands, food, drink, fun and friends fill the day. It is only fitting that someone so special should be recognized. She is, after all, the sun around which I orbit.


Have you ever thought to give flowers to your loved one for no reason at all? Has a bouquet of Balloons on April 9th (no special day at all to us) ever been a thought? What do you do for Valentine’s Day? ME? I give her a wonderful gift but the celebration is different for us. We celebrate “The 14 days of Valentine’s”. Each day in that two week period, I give her a gift. It may be as simple as a card. It can be a CD of her favorite songs. Between each song, I record my voice reading her Favorite poems or verses declaring my adoration. Candies, stuffed animals or little trinkets that will most assuredly end up in the trash mark each day of the 14 days of Valentine’s. Each day is marked with my impassioned declaration of absolute love and adoration.


I send her on scavenger hunts, equipped with puzzles to solve and pleasures to uncover. The day is spent in fun, her closest friends, relaxation and gifts.


3 or 4 massages a year, spa treatments every month, bathing her when she is tired, foot rubs after a long day, and the all time favorite kiss and hug when she walks through the door make my desire to please her known.


I am Mrs. CXXC’s enabler. I encourage her in her pursuits. I push her to make the most of her talents and abilities. I am her biggest fan. I am her fan club president. But not only that, I am her customer. She simply does it for me!


The lifestyle is even more about her than it is me. Certainly, I get to have fun and enjoy myself. It would be wrong for me to believe that I should not take pleasure from it. However, I find that the lifestyle suits Mrs. CXXC most. It is when she is being pleased by her lover(s) that I feel another message of my commitment is shown. As she is being taken to heights of passion and pleasure that I may or may not be capable of, I take to heart the knowledge that when she is sated, there will be a bonding, shortly thereafter; between us, that transcends the normal bonds of marriage.


In our marriage bed, although it has been shared by others, we lay entwined, holding dearly to the love, passion, and joy we share.


I once read that before the gods of man, there were the titans. These beings, all powerful and knowing created a creature to please them. This creature was complete and whole. They were happy in their wholeness and wanted for nothing as they were complete within themselves.

The titans became jealous of their own creation and sent bolts of lightening down upon them, cleaving them twain. They cast them about the globe to further the now separated creatures misery. From that day forth, these two halves of a whole searched the globe for each other. Over the eons, few have ever met and become whole.


Mrs. CXXC is my other half. In our union, she has made me complete. Her feelings are my feelings. Her joys are my own. Although in separate bodies, I am able to empathize with her. I feel her fears, pleasure, sadness, joy, passion, pleasure, frustrations and pains. More importantly, together, we are capable of turning each of these into a good and wonderful experience by simply sharing them.


I write this blog, not in bragging but in explanation of whom and what Mrs. CXXC is to me. I post the ideas and gifts I offer to Mrs. CXXC as a way of sharing with the community, enabling those herein to take and use them as their own. We share with each other on this board so many wonderful ideas on how to sexually satisfy, it is only fitting that we share our activities and expressions of love. We can only make our relationships stronger in the sharing.

So, take this very second. Look to your mate. Look deeply into their eyes and know that within them you can see a connection, a oneness, a completion of yourself that would otherwise not be there. In that one person, you are blessed, loved and most importantly WHOLE!

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Guest warrencouple


Each morning, she wakes me with a smile and a much needed cup of coffee.


Mr CXXC, when did you marry my wife, and how the heck does she get from here to there every morning??


I don't read your posting as bragging, but instead as what it is, a man who deeply, truly, completely, loves his wife. I feel the same way about my wife. We spend a few minutes every night cuddling up (petting the dog to keep her from being a pest), and then often cuddle up when we go to sleep.


Be proud of the fact that you love your wife as much as you do, and just grin at anyone who makes comments (you two are like newlyweds! Get a room! Agh, sugar shock!) knowing that they're making those comments either in fun (if they're friends,) or because they're jealous of your strong relationship with each other.



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Thank you! Some people roll their eyes when I gush on about her.

However, once, while I was not even with a group of my friends, the topic of infidelity came up. Each person was asked if they thought this couple or that would have an issue with cheating. One of the guys was asked aobut me and Mrs. CXXC. He replied, "There is no way in hell he would ever cheat on her. He simply adores her too much! She would be foolish to do that to a man like that!"

It made me feel nice to hear that second hand.

We often get the looks from others. On a few occasions, we have had total strangers mention that we must be newlyweds as we have the look of love in our eyes and actions. And we have been married for almost 11 years.


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Guest warrencouple


Wow, CXXC, you've been married almost as long as Jason and I! Our 11th anniversary is May 30th.


It's so nice to hear from someone else as madly in love as we are. I know for a fact that our relationship has made at least 1 person jealous and I can't help but feel a little smug about it. (is that naughty of me?);)


Jason and I work together but we don't see each other much so when we do, I almost always get a silly grin on my face. One of my co-workers was just teasing me today about it, but in a good way. She knows how very close Jason and I are and thinks it's wonderful.



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We have you by a week. June 6 is our 11th! Congrats.

Like you, I do feel a bit smug at times when I hear others comment on our happiness.

Mrs. CXXC works HORRIBLE hours and I travel quite a bit. However, when we are together, to me, it is like dating all over again. Perhaps there is a chemical imbalance or somehting. If there is, I dont want it fixed. Leave us to our bliss!

Like you, we find it so special to meet other people with the same "problem" we have. Its like we have a special secret or something. Here is to another 11 years. May they be equally wonderful!

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1998 must have been a great year! Mr NC and I celebrate 11 years on May 16th.


Glad there are other blissful couples as well!


In March we were at a wedding, and they brought all the married couples out, and then started with "If you've been married less than a year, leave the dance floor".


When they got to less than 10 and those couples left, Mr NC and I were left with only 2 other couples on the dance floor, that both were married 2+ years. How honored and proud we were to be part of such a small crowd, and how sad that people just don't seem to find what we have, or don't have the willingness to make a marriage last.


We are more in love now than when we married 11 years ago, and way more in love than when we met almost 20 years ago.

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98 was a fantastic year! Unless you are Dom Perignon. Can't find that vintage ANYWHERE! Tons of 99 tho.

Remember when you would go to a wedding and see the couples who were married 10+ years and would think it was a lifetime? when Mrs. CXXC and I stood on the alter together, we knew in the back of our minds that we would see this day. but still, it was forever ago but feels like yesterday! Time flies when you are in love!

Edited by CXXC

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You guys are just babies yet :)...I read or head one time that the secret to a happy marriage is falling "in love" with the same person time and time again.


It's those moments throughout the years that even though you know you love the one you're married to, it just hits you that you're still very much "in love" with them. That's what keeps everything fresh and new and causes those around you to ask...How long you two been married?


It seems some believe that once you've been married for years you reach a point that you just love the person and that's it...few understand that it's the staying "in love" that makes all the difference.


I agree with you Mr. CXXC...time flies when you're "in love"...it's been over 27 years since Ted and I said "I do" but seems like yesterday.



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WOW! 27 years. That is a remarkable acheivment!

Falling in love with Mrs. CXXC is an easy task. I am really easy to please. When she smiles at me and tells me that she loves me, That just makes it happen all over again! She is quite a catch. Either that or I do have a chemical imbalance. But lets leave it like it is.

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Heh heh... we also get the "you seem like newlyweds" comment frequently. We got it before swinging and we still do... now we just give each other evil grins at the comment instead of sweet ones. We've been together 17 years, married for 12. Sometimes I want to strangle him, but that's mostly my own fault for being a demanding bitch. Sometimes he gets fed up with me too, but mostly he is too good-tempered to express himself at those times. Or maybe he's too scared :-).


CXXC, it is wonderful that you feel moved to proclaim your love from the (virtual) rooftops. Bravo, man.

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Ms. Fuse

Don't get me wrong! There are times when I feel like slapping her in the back of the head. There are probably more times where I KNOW she would LOVE to slap me in the back of the head (If she could reach it)!

These times are rare.


It is easy to shout from the virtual roof top. I'm the one who feels fortunate enough to have Mrs. CXXC beside me.


Perhaps we should do the evil grin thing too! The sweet "Awe, Thank you!" is getting old!

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Guest warrencouple


Every couple has their moments where they want to smack each other, or rough patches where they seem to just not get along. It's what they do after these moments that really matters.


A strong couple, makes up, means it, moves on, and doesn't use the situation later against their partner. A poor couple might make up, but not really mean it, lets it fester inside rather than moving on, and might use the situation later as a "take that you bitch / bastard!"


I think what most people don't realize is that when you and another person become a "couple" (married / living together) you are not two separate people anymore, making deals for things (I'll cut the lawn if you do X. You can fuck him, but I get to fuck her), you're partners, and need to work together on everything. Sure, that could mean cutting a deal (I'll cut the lawn if you unload and load the dishwasher) You don't cut the lawn, then come back a week later and use that to get out of doing something.


Kat and I are partners. Sure, we're not always on the same page (sometimes not even the same book!) but we look out for each other, and help each other, and if needed push each other (Look, you want to lose some weight, and I need to get in shape, so even though we're both worn out from work, we're going to the gym.)


I think, just from the Avatar pic, Mr CXXC, that you and the Mrs are definitely partners. Fuse, I think it's not that the hubby is "too scared" when he gets fed up with you, but perhaps more like me, in that I don't want to escalate a situation by saying something in anger that might come back to haunt me later. Further, I really doubt that you're quite the "bitch" you think you are. Demanding doesn't need to include bitch.



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Well said Jason.

Both Mrs. CXXC and I take turns leading and being lead. Most times, however, we spend our days walking beside one another.

We share the load! When she works horrible hours (Just aobut all the time) Ill have dinner ready for her. When I travel for work and return home, she makes the home welcoming and wonderful in all ways! It all works out.

Ms. Fuse

You are not a bitch. I know my Ex-wife! She was a bitch! You, my dear, are not a bitch. Look the term up in a dictionary. You will see her portrait! TRUST ME!!!

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Fuse, I can so relate to the "demanding bitch". I too am definitely that way. I don't know how Mr. NC stays so patient with me! He too is pretty quiet. He's not scared to say anything, it's more like he chooses his battles and his words very carefully. I don't! I say what's on my mind. Gets me in trouble, more with myself, because he just sits there quietly, and then I feel like a schmuck. Perhaps Mr. Fuse is the same way.

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I'm a demanding bitch as well. Though both my men will not put it that way. If I say I'm high maintenance they will agree with that. High maintenance can come in more than one form.


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Do you truly believe that you are a demanding bitch or a woman who knows what she wants and will not suffer anything less?


I see it like this. I know Mrs. CXXC very well. I know her wants, needs and desires. If I fall short in either of those, I expect that she would let me kow in no uncertain terms. Is she a demanding bitch? No. She is holding on to who and what she is. I let the ball slip on somehting and will rectify it post haste.


I can say the same is true for me. If she lets something important to me fall to the way side, I will get uptight and she will hear about it. I dont see my self as demanding but as upholding an existing status.


I have met a few demanding bitches before. How they are viewed by me as such is simple. they never explained the rules or what they wanted before.

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