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Last minute plans

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Ok, we started it so we are just as much at fault. We messaged a couple on Wed or Thur to ask if they had plans for tonight and wanted to get together.


TODAY! We finally get a reply back from them, "Saturday? We're on". No set plans for when or where were suggested in our original message, nor by them.


So we replied back with "how bout xzy place at 8pm. Our numbers are.....". Pet had sent the message and thought that implied that they should get back to us one way or the other. I suggested that it didn't really imply that they needed to get back to us unless it was a no-go. At this point it's 5p and we still have no clue for sure if we are on or not. SLS shows our email to them as unread.


The weather here is awful, we are under a tornado warning and it's been storming all day. So I suggested a second message to them. "Please let us know for sure if you want to meet. Given the weather we don't really want to drive all the way over there (about 40 minutes given the weather) unless we know for sure. If we don't hear back from you by 6:30 we will assume it's a no-go for tonight.".


We'll see what happens. It's just rather frustrating trying to make last minute plans with people like this. This is a couple we've met a few times at socials and our group dinners, but have yet to meet one on one, but want to.


Last night, we basically made last minute plans and met a group out for dinner. The ones setting it up sent us a message early in the day letting us know exactly where and when. We replied and let them know we'd be there, so they could expect us.


I know this thing today is partially our own fault. We could have/probably should have made a specific suggestion for time and place in our initial email to them. And/or we could/should have been more clear in the message today that they should reply and let us know if the time/place was good.


But, at the same time I can't help but think that it's just basic manners to reply back and confirm that all is good, and not leave people hanging.

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I am an optimist! Perhaps they are so excited with the invitation they have been getting dress, dumping kids off, packing for an evening out etc... and have not had a moment to get to the E-mail?

I know that if we had received an invite we would be able to reply instantly as I keep my PDA with me at all times. There is one advantage to being a geek!

I hope your night goes well and you do not have issue with the wheather!

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The thought crossed my mind that they may have actually read the message with the where/when the same way we often read messages on SLS (using the preview) but left it as unread.


If the weather wasn't shitty and it wasn't on the other side of town, we wouldn't mind just showing up without knowing for sure if they'd be there. But, it's a lot of effort to go through without knowing for sure.

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We finally heard back from them at 8:15, they'd just left the place we'd suggested meeting at (a restaurant that they'd invited us to check out with them a few weeks ago) and said they were drunk.


This was the second weekend in a row we'd tried to make plans to meet them at this place. They'd originally suggested trying to meet there 2 weeks ago and we'd replied back "How bout this weekend". We finally heard back from them that time Thursday night that they were heading out of town on Friday morning. So this week we tried again....

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Guest warrencouple


Julie, sorry to hear that your evening plans were busted.


This is why I even call the club we've been trying to get to when we've had to cancel the last two times. It's courteous. Even though it's a business, they've got a guest list, and letting them know that a guest won't be making it, is just being courteous.


If myself and the wife make plans to get together with someone (vanilla,) and we're going to be late, or not be able to make it, we let them know, and preferably as far in advance as possible. That way, they're not wondering where we are, and can potentially make other plans.


Unfortunately, it seems common courtesy, isn't anymore...



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That had to be so frustrating for you! But, at least you didnt have to dela with the wheather. We hope you took the opportunity to enjoy a nice evening together anyway!

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That we did. The weather cleared up for a bit so we were actually all set to go anyway if we didn't hear from them. Then right about the time we were getting ready to go we got their message.

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Personally we just can't stand this kind of stuff. What a thrash. If we were really hot for the couple we might put up with it, but lately we'd probably rather stay in. We can enjoy our own company and a movie at home just as well and more cheaply, than put up with trying to figure things out with flakes at the last minute.

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Ms. Fuse

I can see your point and would agree with you, but when Mrs. CXXC and I have the oportunity to go out and meet a couple, no matter what happens, we will still go to the place of meeting. At the very worst, we have a nice evening out!

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CXXC: Oh, don't get me wrong, once we had the dialogue going and had talked about a time and place, we would show up. We just prefer to have things confirmed for a date before the date is supposed to occur, and not be wondering whether we were really on or not.

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Ms. Fuse

I understood you! Unfortunately, with our schedules as they are, if we make plans with a couple and they cancel on us at the last moment, it completely messes us up. We have to plan things in advance so much so that it is difficult to really make the plans.

However, when we agree, we are locked on and nothing will keep us from doing what we planned.

I cannot wait to win the lottery!

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