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Our bedroom...

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There's been a couple of incidents occur which has made me come to the conclusion our bedroom is rather unusual and they've made me smile and giggle with delight.


Few people have ever seen mine and Ted's bedroom since I finally finished the remodeling in it. The kids have been allowed at the door, just to peek in to see the paint treatment and only a handful of friends have been given the full tour. Our bedroom is our retreat and we don't share it lightly.


The incidents I'm referring to...this past week was our annual termite inspection...the inspector comes once a year and inspects inside and outside for termites...so, we're walking through the house and we finally make it to our bedroom...He walks in and stops...."WOW, this is the bomb...I'd never leave this room...this is great"...he does his inspection continuing to make comments about the room.


It's not the first time I've heard such things from a stranger. When the cable man came to hook up the cable he had to go back to the bedroom to install the box there...his reaction was pretty much the same..."Cool room...I like this...this is a wild place".


Now, I'm not exactly sure what it was they liked...:cool: ...the big screen T.V. or the huge tub that sits almost in the middle of the room.


Our bedroom is rather large...the walls are red with a black rag finish over the red...the bathroom is an open concept bathroom...glass block shower in one corner of the room with the tub in another semi-corner (the tub was originally suppose to be a hot tub. Ted went to the hot tub place and had them sell him a tub before they drilled for the jets...it's huge). The tub sits in such a way as you have an excellent view of the big screen T.V. ...the walls of the true bathroom area (where the toilet/sink sits) are painted black...there is a half wall that hides the toilet from view...I put my foot down with that one as Ted didn't even want the half wall...I refused to have the toilet be one of the first things you see as you walk in. The king size bed sits opposite the T.V. (basically beside the tub) with a headboard that reaches the ceiling (Ted made the headboard) it has a shelf of Plexiglas that has red rope lights under it that gives off the perfect glow at night. All furniture is stained black...There's a mini-fridge on one wall with a dry bar over it (we keep all liquor in our bedroom) . The room is rather dark and has the look of an old fashioned, lady of the evening boudoir look to it...it screams sex. The whole layout of the room...tub placement, shower placement, bed, T.V. placement...everything was designed by Ted so, as he said, no matter where I was he could see me and no matter what you were doing you could see the T.V. He definitely accomplished his goal.


I suppose from the reactions I've gotten, it is a rather unusual bedroom and definitely not everyone's taste but...we like it...it's a reflection of Ted and I and the things we like to do...soak in a huge tub, watch T.V. and have lots of sex :D



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I love your design. Im not too sure Mrs. CXXC would go for it as such, but I am most certain it is the perfect place to entertain!

I have a similar plan for the house we will be building next. However, the Master suite will be connected to a second floor garden separated by a wall of glass. The bathroom will be enclosed completely in glass and against that wall as well. Nothing like the feeling of taking a shower in a garden!


Question tho. How large is the hot tub in the room? What other items do you have in the master suite? Chaise lounge? Sofa? anything of note?

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Guest warrencouple




I really like the sound of the layout of this bedroom. I wouldn't have thought of using a hot tub without the jet holes for a bathtub, that's really inspired thinking on Teds part.


I agree with you though, keep the toilet out of sight, if for no other reason, than most people tend to be a bit uncomfortable with someone watching them use it. They may not have a problem with someone seeing them shower, but not use the toilet...


About a year or so ago, I put shower doors on our tub, and we both agreed, and went with clear glass, rather than any sort of frosted or ripple glass. For whatever reason, I tend to think of them sometimes as "porn shower" doors. :D


How about some pics of the room?



To give others ideas?


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In one of our houses past, we had a HUGE Master bedroom! I tried to get Mrs. CXXC to agree to puting the coffee maker in it. NO DICE! Sigh!



I agree with you about the toilet. I would actually enclose the whole thing. No half wall!

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I've finally decided what I want to be when I grow up:



I'm going to be Ted.



The bedroom sounds awesome!

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How large is the hot tub in the room? What other items do you have in the master suite? Chaise lounge? Sofa? anything of note?


It's not large for a hot-tub but is large for a bath-tub...Ted and I can lay down in it side-by-side and not be crowed...I hate cleaning the thing, it's triangular shaped and to reach the far side I have to get in it to clean it.


There's really not much else of note...it's a large room but it's not that large...a bit over 16 x 24...we are eventually going to put a glass door in where the window is that will lead out into the court-yard...that way we'll have easy access to the real hot-tub.


I think it's more the wall color that shocks people.


Here's a picture...it doesn't really do justice to the room but it'll give you an idea (hopefully the link will work)





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