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Things that make you go HA HA HA HA HA!

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How do you fuck a clown? I have always wondered how one could actually have sex with someone in a clown suit. Grab hold of those big floppy shoes and go to town? This is not really the point to this blog. But I am curious!


HUMOR!! It is necessary and should be included in virtually every aspect of life! Humor during sex, I have found is more common than not. To a point, humor has enabled many of us to move past the awkward beginning stages of play. We laugh, we loosen up. We move closer. Things progress. All due to a little light humor and laughter.


Mrs. CXXC has an odd mind when it comes to sex and humor. Laughter is to her what Viagra is to men. Get her laughing before and during play time and she becomes quite excited. Make Mrs. CXXC giggle and you can pretty much guarantee she is going to have a good time with you!


Unfortunately, this is not so with everyone. I for one become distracted when we share a room with a comedian. I mean, it is next to impossible to concentrate on the activity at hand when you are doubled over laughing your ass of.


Comedian in the play room: “How do you re-use a condom?”


No one replies as we are pretty busy pleasing or being pleased. Everyone obviously heard the question tho.


Comedian in the play room: “You turn it inside out and shake the “Fuck” out of it!”


My initial reaction to the question was, “What a disgusting thought!” I was reduced to a giggling fool when the punch line was delivered. My playmate, THANKFULLY, suffered the same results. The room burst with laughter. Orgasms were delayed. Moments passed and eventually we all returned to the activities at hand. The distraction was appreciated but our desires were to continue our pursuits of pleasure. Damn clown!


Not more than 5 minutes pass before the room is filled with his voice singing, “There’s a skeeter on my peter, beat it off!”


Most were able to ignore this, but as the refrain continued, heads bowed and giggles began.


“There’s a dozen round my cousin. Can’t you hear the fuckers Buzzin’? There’s a skeeter on my peter, beat it off!!!”


That was it! The room burst out with laughter once more! I turned to look at the comedian to notice that he had not missed a stroke and was steadily working his playmate over with gusto. WTF??? She was unable to laugh tho. She was being pleased thoroughly and could not hear much less connect his words. The rest of the group was less than fortunate!


A moment or two pass. Everyone returns to the matters at hand. I am still leery of another quip or joke from across the room. In fear, I pick up the pace with my lover and try to concentrate on her and her alone. That fucking song plays in the back of my head keeping time with my thrusts. I am going to kill this clown!


5 minutes had passed before the comedic voice returned. However, Just as he began to speak, one of the men in the group announced, “Tell one more joke and I am going to stuff my dick in your mouth!”


We had silence for the rest of the event.


Ok. Before the activities and after, this guy had us all in stitches. His self-deprecating humor along with several colorful jokes had most of us nearly wetting ourselves. Mrs. CXXC was completely soaked for another reason entirely. Our court Jester was an unassuming man. He appearance was comical in itself. Thin, lanky, angular features made up his visage. However, his biggest draw was a HUGE penis. Matched to his body, it was out of proportion. This guy surely had the nick name Tripod in College. It was GINORMOUS! I thought for sure his balance would be affected when he obtained an erection!


Mrs. CXXC was drawn to him before knowing of his endowment. His humor had her slain. She was putty in his hands, which he used upon her nether regions QITE WELL! However, once she realized the magnitude of his member, she was on him like…. well… you get the point!


I am not certain which she enjoyed more. Was it his sexual talents or his mastery of getting anyone, anywhere to laugh? Without shame or fear, this individual would walk into a room of strangers and within a minute have the majority in stitches. His ability to size up a crowd and pin point what makes them laugh was almost scientific!


There I was, sitting on the side of the hot tub receiving a BJ form my wife when out of the blue, he comes around a corner and in SECONDS has Mrs. CXXC laughing upon my engorged unit! Out of safety, I pull back. That beautiful smile is just as damaging as it is brilliant. Again, I have lost her to the comedian. I don’t truly mind as there were several other women to which I could concentrate upon. The Clown, Now a human fart machine, starts with a new routine and has the crowd laughing once more.


Months later we are, in our bed, enjoying each other in our passionate dance. Mrs. CXXC is in her favorite position, relishing the feeling of me inside her. She moans, her orgasm draws near and I make a suggestion. I tell her to do something I have never seen her do! She bursts out laughing and immediately spasms into the frenzy of a grand Orgasm! HUH! Who knew??


I simply cannot understand it. I end up laughing as well, but the idea that someone can laugh themselves into a sexual frenzy and even orgasm is beyond me. Could it be an endorphin release that when coupled with the activity the individual is pushed over the edge? Could it be a simple matter of muscular contractions forcing the sensitive parts to come in contact with each other? Is it a mental thing?


I guess the only way to test this is to think of, Things that make you go HA HA HA HA HA!

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I have no idea... but that was funny as hell.


And I can tell you, if I'd been in that playroom, I'd have been clapping when the other guy threatened to stuff his dick in comedians mouth. I have a hell of a time with distractions, even when they aren't trying.

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You really should have been there. This guy was the funniest person I have ever met. I have never laughed more in my entire life. Mrs. CXXC was in tears most of the evening.

now that I think of it, most of the people at the event spent more time around him, listening to the next thing out of his mouth than playing.

EVERYONE had a BLAST! However entertaining it was, it was a GREAT distraction for the activities that were initially planned!

Would I go to another event with him there? HELL YEAH! But I would put a ball gag on him as soon as the festivities began and take it off after two or three hours.

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Sorry! That was not really the intention. But, now that you mention it, I think I had that song in the back of my mind while I wrote this blog!

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Having sex with a clown just brings up a frighteningly funny scene in my head of trying to concentrate on going down on a gal while their nose keeps making beeping-noises!!


(*beep*) ... (*beep-beep-beep-beep*) ... (*beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep*) ....!!!

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HA HA HA!!!! The big shoes would get me! As she wraps her legs around me while we get down to business! LOL I can see them hitting me in the back of the head!

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