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Another Friday night alone...
I sit here after a glass (actually two) of Tequila and miss my baby! (Now, I must tell you that a glass of Tequila is equal to about three shots, so if you see any typos in is post, you'll know why).
Not that it's been a bad Friday night.
I went to dinner with friends tonight, always an enjoyable time...but, it doesn't compare to a night with my sweetie.
Life sucks sometimes...when the one you love is miles away and it's still days until you will be reunited...(Oh hell, Journey's "Open Arms" (Steve Perry...as if anyone else could do justice to that song) just came on the play list) ...glutton for punishment is thy name.
Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah, missing my baby on a Friday night.
Ted and I get very little time with each other ...makes it hard to maintain that connection that every couple needs. However, Ted and I accomplish this very well I think.
When he is away...the phone is our savior...we have deep, interesting, if somewhat odd at times, conversations...sometimes that last for hours. Tonight, our conversation lasted only 3 1/2 hours...I say "only" 3 1/2 hours because there have been times we've been on the phone for over 6 hours...just talking.
Tonight, our conversation (after the normal..how was your day, what did you do?, conversation was completed) was about the Tudors (a series I watch on SHO)...which led us into a conversation (as well as research on the internet) about the history of the ruling families of England.
Now Ted is one of the most intelligent individuals I have ever had the honor of conversing with. He really is a certifiable genius, which is at times annoying, which is a whole nother post...anyway...he starts telling me to look up this and that about the history of England...it's his own way of educating me about things...instead of just telling me something, he'll give me bits and pieces of the puzzle and I have to find the rest...after which he will elaborate more on...he's a wonderful story teller (an art in itself) and teacher...
Oh, our conversation...we went from Henry the eighth back to Charles the first...forward again to Queen Elizabeth...stopping our tour of ruling families of England for the night.
By this time it was rather late for Ted so we said our goodbyes.
I have no idea the purpose of this post other than...I miss my baby!
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