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11 years later... (Well, technically about 20)

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11 years ago today Mr NC and I married. We dated in high school almost 20 years ago, but I guess we had to "sow our oats" or "spread our wings" before we were smart enough to realize we were meant to be...


So what has 11 years of marriage done for us, personally, and for our relationship?


Wow. About a year ago we were in the typical marriage "rut". Not a bad thing, by any means, but with 3 kids and jobs and all the other things we do, our relationship was typically on the back burner while we focused on everything else. Once a week obligatory marital sex, occasional conversation.... Don't get me wrong, our marriage was strong, we were still in love, we just let life get in the way.


Then we had our first MFM, completely spontaneous, and that led me to research the whole swinging concept and found Swingers Board last August.


So where are we now?

Sooo in love!

Our relationship is on the front burner, always. Our communication is amazing. We can't go 3 hours without talking/texting/IM/email.

We talk about everything all day long, related to swinging or not.

Swinging is not on the top of our list, but we try to fit it in when we can

We have date nights again (woo-hoo!)

We hate when we go more than 2 days without sex

I found an inner bi-sexual side I never knew about. WOW! :D

I love seeing him with another woman

Went to a strip club together. Why didn't we do this sooner?


But what swinging has done for me personally has only enhanced everything WE are doing:

I dress sexier again

I now watch what I eat, now more than ever wanting to get back down to my wedding weight

I put highlights in my hair this week. Highlights! I've never, ever, ever colored my hair. (gray was poking through, ewww)

I remembered how much I love giving Mr NC pleasure! Especially blow-jobs, 69, and many new positions. Wow, were we really in that big of a sexual rut?


But most importantly, I remembered how much I love sex with Mr NC. Forget the once a week marital sex, I can't get enough!



We're still venturing out, that's for sure. We are certainly not veterans, but we are gaining experiences when we feel it's right. Just talking about our fantasies, what we want to do, what we like to do, has really made our marriage that much stronger, closer, and amazing.


Happy Anniversary Mr NC. I love ya stud-of-mine! :dance:

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HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I wish you two many, many more!



Hope he makes it home soon so you two can celebrate.



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Actually we celebrated last night. He had to work all day today, I have to be up at 4am tomorrow, so we chose to go out Friday night instead.


We went to our local club, stayed for about 2 hours, but the DJ was absolutely horrible and played what he wanted, regardless of requests, and it was pretty empty. (It is race weeks here in Charlotte, so I expected either a jam-packed club, or a dead club, so we rolled the dice)


So about 11:30 we left and went to one of the local strip clubs, and had an absolute blast together. Stayed till it closed, came home.... and went to sleep somewhere around 4am. We absolutely loved it!


Next weekend is always our Anniversary/Mother's Day/ Father's Day celebration. We pack up all 3 kids (plus their friends!), and camp in the infield for Memorial Weekend's race. Can't wait. We actually have 5 days off together in a row, a rare delicacy.


Thanks T!

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Mr. and Mrs. NC

Congrats! You sound so absolutely happy! Makes you look at your vanilla friends, married the same amount of time and realize thay are missing somehting. That spark (You found again) just seems missing in them. and now they look at you two and wonder whoat you have been drinking! LOL

Congrats! Mrs CXXC and I hope the next 11 years are filled wiht the joy you hold in your hearts today!

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Congrats on finding each other, loving each other and finding new dimensions with each other. Kudos! Many happy years to come.

-Mrs. Swingly

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