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Alura interlude

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clit pro poet


It was on Swingers Board where Mr. and Mrs. Alura came into our lives, and in Tulsa, Nashville, and here in MS where their company favored and nourished us. It still does.


As many who might read this know, their paths are separated now, after her death in late winter. He, and many who knew her, look to memories and to her writings and other creations, and their sons, to retain her magic.


Over to Al now... I just sampled recent (and a few ealier) Alura posts and, once again, experience that man who keeps his love and practical, well burnished, instincts about essentials right out in plain, generous, and humorous view.


May you bones be jumped, so to speak, Al, whenever your emotions and desires come :D together.


Of course, while we're at it, may time pass and freshen you, and the other essentials keep you and yours secure.

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Thank you, Clit Pro Poet, for such a kind post. It has been because of you and friends like you that we survive with some degree of sanity.


Our sons are probably doing better than I in dealing with the loss of Laura. Both have dropped back, punted, and redoubled their efforts to become the men she envisioned. Nineteen, soon to become Twenty, earned a 4.0 in the semester in which he lost his mother at Tulsa University, "the Harvard of the Southwest." Seventeen is on track to earn an academic and/or music scholarship at the university of his choice. I couldn't be prouder of the two.


I'm treading water. I have little interest in "having my bones jumped." Amazingly, three ladies have shown an interest in "keeping in touch," calling from time to time to invite me to "do something together" but I can't seem to pick up the phone to return their calls.


I recently found the last pair of panties I removed from Laura in the obscure place where I remember throwing them at the time. I've not been able to decide what to do with the garment so I laundered it and placed it beside the box containing her ashes which still sits on my chest of drawers even though I've paid for the niche where her remains are to be deposited. I know these things are not good for my mental nor my physical health and that I must move on, but it seems so impossible to cope without her.


You cannot possibly know what your loving care and support before and since Laura's death mean to the Alura family. Please know that we return the emotion.


Mr. Alura

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Whenever emotions and desires join, of course.

With regard to sanity, well, maybe we're not an altogether good source :rollseye:

That the sons of Laura and Al rise just as high sure as the summer sun gratifies us, but doesn't surprise.

Same with you tidying up.

Time only will help now, but friends help the time goes by.

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I know the Internet is supposed to be an impersonal medium. But I also know that's not true, by my reaction to these posts by people I'm not likely to ever meet.


Mr. Alura, I am sending my well wishes out into the ether, to you and yours. If our paths ever do cross I hope to get a chance to say hello and give you a hug.

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Thanks The Fuse. This place on the Internet is community too, or maybe a virtual bedroom community :nono: (just kidding), and a blog is a little more open ended about topics than a forum. Mr. Alura talked a little in The Cafe not too long ago, sharing thoughts and feelings as as ever. I wrote the blog as a follow up.

Fun, perspective, help, organization, hospitality, and much else that brings smiles all over and characterizes the people of this place are the substance and seasoning of Alura, then and now. :)

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Such a beautiful tribute, clit_pro_poet, to both Mr. and Mrs. Alura. I will echo your sentiment, "May your bones be jumped, so to speak, whenever your emotions and desires come together."

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I've been away for a few weeks and am trying to catch up so, I apologize for being late here.


I've always gotten a lot from your posts and the love you two share has always come through loud and clear.


And I'll always remember Laura talking with me during a difficult time for me.



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