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Great time at Entre Nous in D.C.

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The Fuse


... or, "Some Nights You Feel Like a Nut, Some Nights You Don't".


Mr. Fuse and I live in southeastern Virginia. We had a reason to be a couple of hours closer to D.C. on Saturday, and a reason to be in Baltimore on Sunday afternoon. So we decided to go to Entre Nous in D.C. on Saturday night.


EN is a swinger's club that seems to have a traveling home -- their weekly events have changed venues a couple of times recently. In March, we went to one of their events at a club called Liv, with a pair of playmates we've known since Christmas. We were pretty impressed with the crowd, and overall we consider it superior to any of the events in our local area. Thought it would be fun to go by ourselves.


We had played the previous night (with the same couple who'd taken us to Entre Nous in March), and had just made arrangements to meet another very exciting couple for dinner in Richmond on the way back home the next day. So I really felt no urgency for hooking up... I was still on a high from the previous night and very much looking forward to meeting the new couple the next day.


Everyone is looking for something different, and personally our preference is to play with people we could potentially see again. We would play if we found someone very seductive, but weren't going to push it just to do it. Plus, we had to get up at a reasonable time the next day and be in a condition to make important decisions. I don't do well when I haven't had enough sleep... I make mistakes.


The club is now having events on the second floor of Halo, which is a trendy and fabulous gay club on 14th and P. The entire second floor was for Entre Nous that night. It is a little small, but actually it was just the right size for the number of couples who showed up. It got crowded, but not uncomfortably so.


I don't know if they screen their membership for looks, but boy there were a lot of attractive people there. Most people were hot, hot, hot. The music was smokin', and the atmosphere was non-smoking. Hooray! The place was pretty much our fantasy of a swing club: people having fun and some looking to hook up, lots of dancing, great high-end trendy atmosphere. The staff were friendly and professional. The theme was "pastease" with free pasties to anyone who would put them on. I was one of the first women to put on the pasties and lose my shirt. Hey, you only live once. The admission fee is $40 for couples. Drinks are only slightly pricey, probably right in line for D.C. I only had two alcoholic drinks the whole night anyway and we were there for about 3 1/2 hours.


We did not hook up... I wasn't super attracted to the men of either of the couples who asked, and they ended up going off together, which we were glad about because they were clearly more "goal-oriented" than we were that night. At least, the "me" half of "we". My honey knows by now that much of the time I am the limiting factor in who we hook up with. The two women of these couples were both gorgeous and interested in him. But one of the men was overly aggressive and acted like a baby when we said we weren't interested. The other guy, while a lot of fun and a great dancer, couldn't have weighed more than 100 pounds (at 5'8"). He and his beautiful, goofy girlfriend were both in their mid-20's-- very young. I just didn't feel like it would be worth it to stay up until who knows what time playing, when we had important business the next day. Plus, I was having fun dancing, and who knows when we'll be in a place that cool again? We live three hours away and we don't like paying for hotels.


Then I did something I know will get me in trouble on this Board: didn't close the deal with a beautiful Brazilian unicorn who was clearly interested. I found her sweet and sexy, and she danced like, well, a Brazilian. She was very gracious and didn't push. What the fuck am I thinking??! Am I crazy? I guess my mind was really just closed when we got there. Now I can't believe I did that.... or didn't do that.


I think part of my reluctance is that most of the time, I am seduced as much by feeling a little bit of a connection with someone in addition to feeling attracted to them physically. There has to be something about their character that I like. And it's hard to establish that contact in a club atmosphere. Without it, sex is purely physical so the physical attraction has to be stronger. There were definitely some guys there (and women) who would have met that requirement, but none of them came in pairs that asked. Oh well.


I think if we do this again, we'll try to go to one of their "Underground Parties" where there is open play. Then if we do feel that desire, we can do it right there. If I don't have time to get to know someone, then the on-premise thing might actually work better for me. Then we don't have to go anywhere alone with them and actually have to converse :rollseye:. For instance, I could definitely have seen putting that unicorn up on a table and ravishing her if I could have done it then and there.


Anyway, rarely do we have such an incredibly perfect weekend. Just felt like I wanted to share.

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I am warmed to read that you can look back at your weekend and declare, even with thoughts of one or two things that might have been different, that it was perfect. Bravo!

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Thanks, SW_PA_Couple!


One thing I didn't mention was that after the two couples left, the guy who was aggressive and acted like a baby came back by himself about a half hour later. At least it looked like he was by himself -- we didn't see his girlfriend. He was scanning the crowd, maybe looking for someone else to be aggressive with. We decided to leave as it was late anyway (about 1:30, and we had to get up around 8). So that was a bit creepy. It's too bad, because if he had had a good personality, I bet we would have played.


Looking back on it, I wish I'd said something to at least one of the couples to the effect that we were just there to dance that night. Even if that wasn't strictly true (I would have played if sufficiently attracted to someone), it was true where they were concerned and might have saved them a little trouble. They could have concentrated on someone else. Next time I'll be better.

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