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Party Time's A-Comin'!

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We have taken the plunge and we will host our first house party in three weeks time! I hope that we've learned both from the house party we've attended several times over the past year, AND of course the copious advice of others in the forums here.


We had an invite list of around 20 couples, knowing they wouldn't all be able to make it. So far we've had 13 couples accept, so even if a few bail at the last minute everyone should have lots of... hmmm.... choice.


We've invited people we know personally (some VERY personally!) and hope that since we seem to get along with each couple, they should get along with each other. Although we know some couples from the house party where one plays and the other stays upstairs and talks, we've agreed not to include those couples in our party, because the others will be too busy for gentle chit chat, and they might get very lonely and bored.


We are lucky to live a few minutes drive from a really good nude beach, so we're starting the day with a beach party. Anyone who can make it will be able to find us at the beach, and later in the day we'll head back to our place for bbq and....


The greatest thing about the Lifestyle- well, aside from the really awesome sex- is that we've made some really good friends, and we're looking forward to spending some time with them. What fun!!

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What a great way to start a party! A nude beach get together. Oh how we wish we have one here. Unfortunately, living in the Bible belt keeps things like that from ever happening. PRUDES!!!


Good luck with your house party! Please keep us posted on how it turns out! We are planning our first full house party for August. Like you, we are sucking this board dry for any and all information we can get!


Enjoy and let us know how it turns our!

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Sound like, in fact I'm sure, it will be a really good time.


Nude beach? Do y'all live anywhere near that place were you can see just off the QE2 the big green sign that says "Nudist Colony, 10 KM?" When I spotted that I commented to JoAnn, "Now there's something you're not likely to see in the USA."



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Well we don't live near the nudist resort, although we did visit it last summer... never got further than our hosts' trailer, so I can't comment on the resort in general. It's not actually on a lake, so not as nice, IMHO, as the beach.


The nude beach is awesome. We were there this afternoon, in fact. Packed, as usual. Some families with kids, some "confirmed bachelors", some lifestylers, some vanillas... the usual type of people. It's actually on private land, so unless the owner decides he doesn't want us there, no one can really do anything. The police boat cruised by while we were there, no big deal. It's a very law-abiding crowd.

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Posted (edited)

Update as the clock ticks down... cleaning house, sewing curtains (oh those road-facing basement windows!), sending email to a couple who would like to come but we don't have time to meet... who knew we'd have such a packed guest list?? Up to 15 couples now. People are telling us how excited they are looking forward to the event. Now, I've always had a few very popular vanilla parties a year, but must say, this one is going to be different... oh yeah. Biggest problem I foresee is balancing playing with hosting duties- way too many yummies attending that I want to spend some quality time with!!


Damn- now it looks like Saturday at the beach will SUCK.. oh well, I guess the party starts at 5 at our place instead. At least no one will be sidelined with a sunburn :)

Edited by PB&J

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Well, the party is over!! Said a looong goodbye to our last 2 guests an hour ago, and I've finished cleaning up the house before PB gets back with our son.


We had a GREAT time! Even better, our guests apparently did too. I bbq'd meat, people brought salads and dessert, everyone had a great time socializing over food. We did find that it took a little time to get things warmed up, but when they did... wow. Nice. The private rooms were in use almost all the time, and the group room was always jumpin'. A few people didn't play, but they all seemed to have fun socializing.


I found it a little hard as the hostess to let go of being the hostess and have some fun myself, early on, but I got my fun too... and lots of it. It's hard when you've invited all your favorites to pick and choose! And of course, as the hostess I had to move from group to group, and that may have resulted in some mixed signals to some of my friends. However, I'm also shy about expressing my intentions to a man (I expect him to do all the overtures, need to work on that), and in the end it didn't matter, as I was plenty busy and finished the night at almost 4.


We brought together a lot of people who didn't know each other, and think that we have helped people meet some new friends that they will be seeing again- which is always cool.


I'm glad I went out and bought a BIG box o' Trojans at (sorry, CXXC) Walmart (comment to cashier: gag gift for 50th birthday party [it's a SMALL town!]). I'm also glad I picked up extra waste paper baskets at the dollar store. I DIDN'T need the air mattresses I picked up on sale the other day, as friends brought enough, but hey, they were cheap, and you can never have too many air mattresses.

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Glad your party turned out! Our daughter is home for awhile (some talk of studying abroad in Australia next year..but $$$$$) so perhaps some opportunities then.


Did you have any interest from the neighbors? Our were watching the people arrive as well as neigbors behind us on the deck. We did block out the large sliding door with craft paper, though we probably didn't need it...no nakie people in that area.

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We're right out in the country, and pretty darn secluded. We have one neighbour, with a thick cedar hedge taller than the house between us. We asked people to be discreet in the hot tub noise-wise, and they -um, we- saved the screaming for in the house. Lots of that though.

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