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The CXXC House!

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As you know, Mrs. CXXC and I live in Savannah. This is a great place to live and even better place to visit for a long weekend or a vacation. The sights, the history, the activities and even the people are in many ways better than Disney. Anyone who has seen the movies, “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” or “Forest Gump” knows where they want to go immediately upon entering town! Find the “Bird Girl” statue. Locate the bench Forrest sat upon. The fact that both items are no longer there should not be a deterrent. The “Bird girl” was moved to a Museum due to people trying to steel her and every one of the replicas they put in her place. The bench was never meant to be there but was placed in that spot for the movie. By the way, Madison Square is not a two way street. Take the trolley tour and you will learn all you wanted and more!


There are so many cultural and social events held in Savannah. Each week, as if by design, the city holds such events and the streets are filled with travelers from all parts of the world. The Lucas Theatre (Renovated by Johnny Mercer himself) houses independent films throughout the day. The SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) Theatre performs almost nightly with plays, music, movies and more. On any given day or night there will be bands in the parks. Broughton Street is Savannah’s answer to Rodeo Drive. Within a three block walk, you can find all your shopping dreams realized. River Street is lined with Bars, Music halls, restaurants, souvenir shops, Confectionaries and, yes, even ghosts! I strongly suggest that you take the ghost tour while here. The Weed House was even featured on the TV show, Ghost Hunters. Pretty cool!


Georgia boasts the largest number of barrier islands on the east coast. Savannah is virtually surrounded by islands. However, the 20 minute drive to Tybee Island will be worth the trip! On Tybee you have nearly all that same activities and events that are offered in Savannah. However, Tybee also offers Pirate Fest. This is a Celebration of all things Pirate! Break out your costumes mates and lasses! Shiver your timbers and AArrrrgggggghhh!!!!! This is a party to experience. Or you can simply lounge upon the beach with a cold beer in your hand. Take in the scantly clad bodies that parade before you. Visit the shops, pubs, eateries, museums, or simply take a tour of Tybee. There is something for everyone!


Do I sound like a travel agent yet? In truth, I am really trying to fill my house with as many guests as possible. You see, as this is such a FANTASTIC vacation spot, our families and Vanilla friends have already started to call and plan THEIR OWN VACATIONS in our home! My only defense against being over run by in-laws, out-laws and genetically connected folk is to book the place with OTHER PEOPLE first!


I have been away from this board for a few weeks due to having Vanilla friends and family members in my home that entire time. Do I love my friends and family? Why yes I do! Do we welcome them with open arms and a pineapple upon the door step? Most certainly. However, as we are in the lifestyle, it makes it VERY difficult to enjoy the bodies of our kindred fellows when we have VANILLA’S in the house!


When the house is filled with family or friends, we feel obligated to spend as much time with them as possible. Spending an evening at someone else’s home would be quite difficult to explain.


Mrs. CXXC: “Sorry Sis. We have plans to see some friends tonight. Dinner is in the fridge!”


Sis: “Why not invite them over?”


Mrs. CXXC: “(Stutter, stammer, thinking quickly….) We want to go to a bar to hear a local band!


Sis: “Oh! That sounds like fun! Why don’t brother-in-law and I join you? The kids will be fine alone!”


Mrs. CXXC: “HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


You see? It always ends up with me having to figure out a GOOD reason why they don’t want to join us! We cant really just blurt out, “We are going to their house to have wanton sex till neither of us can breath or move!” So I end up being inventive with my explanations. Now remember, I do everything in my power not to lie to anyone. It is so much easier to remember the truth.


Me: “Sorry Sis! I guess Mrs. CXXC didn’t tell you about the couple we are going out with. We think they are swingers and want to set the record straight with them about US. You know. We want to make sure they understand where Mrs. CXXC and I stand on that issue! If you were to join us, they may even hit on you two! (Whispering) Wait, you don’t want that to happen do you? You’re not swingers are you???”


Sis: “(Stammer, Stumble, gape, stutter…..)NO! What kind of perverts do you think we are?”


Me: “I take it you don’t want to go then?”


Sis: “No thank you! You two have a good time with your swinger friends! HONEY!!!! We are staying in tonight!”


See? I never lied! I didn’t even twist the truth. However, I am too often pushed to the limits on my reasons when VISIT after VISIT, family or friends must have a reason why we are not going to be staying in or going out with THEM! The more they visit, the fewer available reasons I have.


So, At this time, I am trying my best to fill our calendar with LS friends to keep the number of repeat family and Vanilla visits to a minimum. After all, who would not want a week long vacation where you basically only pay for the gas to get there. Room and board are always provided. This is, after all, Family and Friends! I could go broke on just feeding some of them! Never mind the fact that we end up eating with them. After dinner, their idea of having fun on their vacation is sitting in front of the TV. So, what do we end up doing? A week of this and I gain an easy 5 pounds.


Having lifestyle friends visit is cheaper and more fun. Sure you often cook for them. However, they are generally there for just the weekend. When they are finished eating, they want to expend some of that newly obtained energy. PLUS!!!! Think of how in shape you get during the summer! They visit, you have sex, you lose weight, get toned and before you know it, you look like a fitness instructor! If they stay longer than a weekend, you can be sure they want to go out and dance, see the sights or visit the local swingers club. How can you lose?


So here I sit, another summer before me with the fear that the CXXC house will become the next great vanilla Vacation spot.

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Guest warrencouple


Mrs. WC here.


Some people are just too nice for their non-vanilla lifestyle. ;) Two letters to learn: N and O.


Okay, so maybe I'm not as pure and uncorruptible as I claimed but, as Jason said, the money is one reason to pass on such a nice invitation. At least for now.


The other reason is, I haven't even managed to work up the nerve to go to anything beyond a meet and greet locally. There's just NO WAY I'm ready for something like this even locally, let alone clear down in Georgia! Don't get me wrong, the invite (such as it is) is appreciated. I'm just not quite ready for something on that scale.


Oh, and as he said, we both love the term "wofe". We've used it any and every where possible. Thanks!


Mrs. WC

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I have tried that whole, "I will be busy entertainng friends that weekend." beofre. I get hit with, No problem, we will stay in a hotel and when your friends leave we can coem over. Family is sucha pain in the ass at times.


Mrs, WC

Trust me when I say that I am not too nice. I tell them NO 1000 times and they work on it and weasel their ways into my house anyway!


"We just thought we would stop by for a couple hours!"


They end up spending the night! Then they stay the next day and so on! ACK! I think I am going to start walking around in the nude from now on and not let anyone in the back yard if they have clothes on! LOL!!!! That should lower the guest lists! HA HA HA HA

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Guest warrencouple



You could always try telling the Vanilla folks that the weekend they're talking about, they can't come over.


When they ask why, tell them that you and the Mrs have changed religion (or if you're non-religious, found religion,) and gone Wiccan. That weekend is the one that the circle you joined will be coming over to help consecrate your circle in the back yard, and everything has to be done "skyclad." After all, it wouldn't be *too far* from some form of truth...:rolleyes:



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