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A recent forum post regarding successfully meeting people at parties reminded me of a conversation the wife and I recently had.


When we started swinging last fall, we really weren't meeting people like we thought we would. We tried the clubs, but hard to break into the groups of people; tried a few meets at drinks/dinner but found them awkward when things did not click.


Since then, we have met a lot of people and it all goes back to one party that we attended that opened us up to meeting many people.


We had planned to meet a couple later in the evening for drinks. At the same time we were invited to a party where we did not know the hosts. Since we had setup the drinks meet before the party invite we declined the party invite. In emailing the couple we were meeting, confirming, etc, we found out that they were stopping by a party prior to meeting us (we could not meet earlier in the evening). Based on their description of the party location we figured out it was the same party that we were invited to. So we just said, skip the drinks we'll join you at the party.


At that party (where we knew no one), we met several couples that we liked. We could not stay late due to work schedule so we never got around to playing, but through the party were invited to a party at one of the couples house we met.


Long story short is that through the couple we met, we met more people, many of which we got along with well. That led to more invitations to parties and meeting more people.


Anyway, the point of this (and the conversation with my wife), is that if we did not find out about that mutual party invite with the first couple we had intended to meet with for drinks, we probably would not have met near as many people as we have so far. By the way, nothing ever progressed with the very first couple in this blog, just no chemistry there.


Once you start meeting active swingers, you meet their friends and the the friends of friends. Not that we play we each and every one of them, but it way increased the amount of people with do click and play with! (and you also find out just how inter-connected everyone seems to be)

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