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Sometimes I am like a Kid at Christmas!

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Both Mrs. CXXC and I have dates tomorrow. I have the privilege of spending the day with an absolutely wonderful woman with whom I have previously partied. Mrs. CXXC also has her boy toy visiting during the early evening.


I am quite excited about my date. As I will arrive at her home at lunch time, I suspect we will enjoy a little bite before the festivities begin and then it will be all about pleasure. Her husband will not arrive until 19:00 tomorrow evening. I am saddened by that as I really enjoy his company and conversation! He too is an awesome individual.


In truth, this is a couple with whom I could only wish to live near. They are so genuine. They are so fun, charming, witty, down to Earth and just plain sexy. Mrs. CXXC simply adores them as well. Getting the opportunity to have a play date with this lady is a rare and cherished opportunity. The stars simply must align correctly while the stock market hits a certain point. It is crazy but very well worth the wait.


So, here I sit at 02:00 writing about tomorrow. I sit here running through the laundry list of things that this lovely woman has, can and will do to and with me. That just gets my heart racing and my blood pressure running high! I have to ask myself, is one afternoon going to be enough? Should I just spend the night? Mrs. CXXC will have her boy toy to keep her busy most of the evening.


True to my normal type-A personality, I have packed everything ahead of time for my day with this sexual creature. And, in true type-A fashion, I have planned for any contingency. If I spend the night, Im covered. If I leave early, I will be sad, probably unsatisfied but covered. If I spend most of the day, I am covered and will be VERY happy when I leave.


And then there is the return home to consider! Once I get home, both Mrs. CXXC and I will expect to hear every detail of each other’s adventure. She will ask me about every little thing I will have done and had done to me. She will want to know all about my sexcapades! I too will question her. We do this in order to glean what really pleases each other and to discover new things we were unaware of about each other.


I also know that during our Q&A, the excitement will build and the evening will end with us both collapsed within each others arms, heavily breathing and more in love than we were before the day started. Each day, I am still forced to apologize to her for not loving her as much the day before as I do that moment. Our reconnect sex is just one more act that builds the love we have for one another.


So, why am I still up at 02:00 writing about all of this? I am too excited to sleep! Each time I have a hall pass and a date with someone as fantastic as this lady is, my mind fills with the potential and will not slow down. My thoughts and fantasies run wild. I toss, turn, toss and turn. I spend most of the evening fighting off a raging hard-on that will be better served tomorrow.


Sometimes I am like a Kid at Christmas!

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WOW! I have to say, there are times when Christmas comes early! WOW!


My date yesterday was fantastic. My lady friend and I had a nice lunch together then went to her house. We spent the entire afternoon/early evening in sexual bliss. Her husband arrived later that evening and we enjoyed dinner and great conversation. All I was able to say in the end of the evening was WOW!


Mrs. CXXC had another lovely evening with her boy toy as well. Unfortunately, I didn't get home until later than I had anticipated (My playmate wanted seconds and that caused my late departure). When I did arrive home, Mrs. CXXC was already in bed on the edge of sleep.


So now, our plans are to reconnect this evening once we tell each other our tales. It should be a lovely evening.


Another play date has been set for the first week of August! WOOO HOOO!

Edited by CXXC

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