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We've just come off about two months where we went to a number of house parties, 5 I think. That a big increase in party attendance for us. Things have been a bit quiet for the past week or two and this weekend is questionable. Our play partners for Saturday had to cancel. So the Mrs and I were talking last night, what to do. Perhaps contact one of a number of couples that have expressed an interest in meeting.


It made me realize just how fun and easy house parties are, assuming there are people there you find compatible (and we have!). We've been lucky to have fallen into group of people that have parties and invite some really nice (emotionally and visually) couples. :fun:

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I'm pleased to read that you are having fun at house parties. JoAnn and I have received increasing numbers of invitations. And for us there was also the moment of realization, "Gee, there is no party this weekend. What can we do?"

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An update. The weekend actually worked out really well. We made plans to meet a new couple and then received a party invitation. So we asked if we bring a couple with us to the party and it worked out. Not that we are super experienced, but it was only the second party for the other couple and they were just a little apprehensive, maybe shy is a better word. But in the end was had a fun time with our new friends as well as meeting a number of new couples at the party.

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