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All 'dressed' up and no where to go.

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So the wife and I have been getting into better 'swinging' shape. I finally got the discipline to drop some 20ish lbs, and the wife after a long plateau has a new energy and has become almost a hard body. This means we are close to what we feel comfortable with swinging. We are almost ready to hit our B+ crowd and maybe hook up with drunk A listers (I keed I keed).


But....we are going no where.


For various reasons our old swinging friends are no longer an option. I'd love to go into details but won't for privacy.


We have rare baby sitting, a pile on our plates, no good swing clubs near by, and a sort of malaise at the thought of starting the 'hunt' online.


While this 'no place to go' is our fault, its still frustrating.


Swinging has always been a good fitness motivator and now I have to rely just looking good and being healthy, what fun is that?

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I hear you. I guess the only motivating thing I have to say is that when a chance comes, it may happen quickly. So best to be ready when it does instead of wishing you hadn't allowed yourselves to gain back the weight again.

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