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Nervous about meeting their son.

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Ok I've never blogged before but I've enjoyed reading some of the ones here. And since I've stepped a good ways outside of my normal comfort zone of sharing this week with our interview, I thought I'd share a bit more. Nothing to make a post about though so, this will just help get it out for me.


Tonight we will meet the oldest son of our quad partners. He's in the Air Force and hasn't been home for 2 years. I've been off and on nervous about this. Mostly about him finding out about us period. Unlike the other two boys, he hasn't been around to see things gradually take shape. Telling him in an email or over the phone wouldn't have been a good way to handle it either. So, we've been waiting on him to be home on leave. Finally, he was able to make it. His plans have had to be changed a few times for various military and personal reasons.


Tech and Kitten sat down and told him within a couple of days of his being home (he got in to town late Monday night). He was surprised where the other two didn't seem to be because they've been here. But, he has the same attitude about it that they do. His parents are adults and if this makes them happy, good.


We are all meeting for dinner tonight and our sons, along with our oldest son's family, are going as well. Only one son of the total 5 will be missing. So, that's the four of us, two of their sons along with a friend, our youngest, and our oldest with his wife and infant for a total of 11 I think. May need to call ahead to warn the place.


Now, if you've read any of my posts or any of the interview, you'll know that our (Gator and Vol) children haven't been as supportive as theirs has been . Therefore, I'm very happy that ours agreed to this but, I'm also a bit nervous about that as well. I just want us all to get along so badly. The four of us and our children are the most important to me. Our parents and siblings come next but, if we only got the immediate family to accept things, I'd be satisfied and happy with that. I'm hoping this is a good step towards that.



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Good Luck. I think it's great that any of the kids are handling this so well and so openly. I can more easily imagine a scenario where kids find out about swinging and you just brush it off because you know they won't have to deal with it face to face but a poly situation is SO different that they pretty much have to face it.

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Julie, our youngest, somehow, did figure out about the swinging. I posted about it here. The poly relationship IS different. We love these people and it's our goal to live together one day. Now, we weren't open enough to tell the kids until we were more grounded and sure in our relationship.

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