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Becoming THAT couple.

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I've had an odd mental transformation lately. While not long ago I had us simply defined as a tweener couple I'm thinking we could change that.


I know looks are the 600 lb gorilla on the swingers board no one wants to talk about except in very general terms. We are all different shapes, sizes, and ages here, and for almost all of the discussions looks mater not at all. Posts where individual looks do come up people will become very catty or even hostile in a hurry, so I'm breaking swingers board etiquette by making a blog focusing only on looks.


But this is the current topic of discussion in the Chicup household, and applies to our vanilla lives as well as whatever we do swinging.


What got me really thinking about this is that for the first time in my life I am 100% motivated to get in shape. When I have been in shape in the past, it was a means to an end only and I hated the work outs.


This time though I'm annoyed I need to wait for my next work out. I don't know what the difference is mentally but this isn't something I just want the results from without the work, but the work itself doesn't seem bad at all. I even went to the gym with a bad head ache and knew it wasn't going to be an excuse.


So there I sat on the couch this weekend, hurting in places that haven't hurt in more than a decade with Mrs. Chicup. She after a long plateau has cranked up her workout again and recomited to her dieting. So it dawns on me. Lets be THAT couple. That one where people look at us and say 'damn they are in good shape.' The one that results in envy and claims about how 'lucky' we are as if being in good shape wasn't work for us, from others. Basically to get as close to the Ken and Barbie crowd as we CAN get with our genetics.


Mrs. Chicup wants it for a confidence boost, I've wanted to get in great shape before age increases the difficulty.


I want our rejections to be for our personality and not our physiques.


We don't have that far to go, but its a commitment of time and energy but the benefits beyond swinging make it worth it, with swinging being the bonus.


Odds are in 3 months I might be complaining again, but for some reason, and I really can't explain WHY, I don't think so this time.

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It sounds like you're enjoying your fantasy and I think that's all that matters. Improved health and fitness are good for the ego as well as the physical body. What's the chance that you're becoming a "good match" for a smaller subset of the swinger population?

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I'm not sure fantasy is quite the right word here, as its an achievable reality (much like swinging as a fantasy).


I suppose we would only be a good match for a smaller subset if WE change our outlook. If we become hard bodies and only want gym rats then yes our subset shrinks. If we maintain our current outlook our subset of available partners will actually grow.

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Well I can't fix our faces without expensive plastic surgery either but its more about reaching our maximum potential.


Have fun with Ken and Barbie :)


We are spending a quiet evening in ourselves, followed by the gym at 8am. Kids made us become morning people, might as well us it to our advantage.

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Guest warrencouple


I'm with Socolais on this, I think you're turning into a "gym rat" (in a good way) this time, because it is boosting your ego. You're feeling better about yourself, and want to keep feeling better, which means you keep going to the gym, and round and round you go!


I'll admit, the Mrs and I have been somewhat lackadaisical about going, we're going tonight, but didn't go Wednesday like we should have. Yesterday doesn't count, it's my golf night (and I'm a walker, not a rider,) and she took the dog for a walk.



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I wasn't thinking fantasy like delusion, but rather like motivational objective. I tried the jogging thing a few years ago and never got beyond the feeling that it was a "chore". I couldn't figure how folks could enjoy that. Nowdays, I do my woodworking using mostly hand tools and call that my "workout".


I hope things work out for you better than you expect them to.

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I always had the 'chore' feeling too. I suppose this is why its different this time. The only other time in life I got beyond the chore phase I got in GREAT shape, and then managed to hurt myself pretty badly.


Very shortly there after I met Mrs. Chicup, and being in shape seemed less important so I stopped going all together.


I've tried off and on, multiple times, but it was always forcing myself to go. Now I'm forcing myself not to go so I don't over do it.


As I said I can't explain why I've had this change of attitude, but I'm going to run with it as long as it lasts :)

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I hope your endorphin surge keeps going. It's really a good feeling. One of the few borderline compulsions that is actually beneficial.


I don't have a problem being motivated to work out, most of the time. If only my motivation to overeat would subside... I have a good body now but if I could lose 10 or so pounds it could possibly be in the "A" category, at least for a woman in her 40s.


By the way, our local Ken and Barbie were a little disappointing last Friday night. Seems they are not really ready to swing.

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Actually the endorphin surge is going great.


Today was my increase my workout day, by a third on the weights. I did it over lunch and I had more energy and was in a better mood than I almost ever am in the afternoon.


Getting some ab definition too, and the weight has gone down a bit for the first time in a couple of weeks (I shifted my diet to accommodate the greater food need).


Really I don't see this one stopping and we might never get to A but at least I won't feel bad for not reaching my potential.


On a side note the wife and I did ab work last night. Dear god that woman is a beast, she did 100 crunches in a row (after doing 4 sets of 25). I can do 4 sets of 15.

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Kick-Ass Chicup. Coming from someone's who'd job description requires physical maintenance, you'll thank yourself. And, if you haven't noticed already; being in good shape, you'll have GREAT sex. I'm sure you already noticed that. I'm down to less than a week in deployment now, so I'm beating up the treadmill even more now in preparation for the most mind-blowing sex possible. Good luck. We'll see you somewhere jogging down the road later on.

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Good for you, Chicup. I wish, oh how I wish, I felt like exercising was less of a chore . . . I didn't mind it when I was home all day, and had the time for it. But now, it seems like one more thing to cram into an already jam-packed schedule. Mr. Sweet isn't any better, and we both need to get of our arses for the sake of our health, forget self-image.


Take advantage of this feeling, and I'm sure you'll be A-listers in no time.



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Three year update, as discussed I met my goals and surpassed them in relation to this blog, no reason to restate them. My wife on the other hand basically flowndered in this. She was fit, she ran a marathon, but she couldn't seem to go anywhere physique wise. The last month the penny dropped for her and she's dropped 10lbs. She never had as far to go as I did so another 10 will put her to where she was at as a 21 yr old. Clothes she couldn't wear in April on our last cruise are now loose. I am very happy for her she's quite excited about her progress.

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