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The Sideshow

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The lifestyle, as people like to call it, has been good to JoAnn and I, especially in the last couple of years during which we found our stride. This position gives us the advantage of being able to laugh off the silly things that happen. This month's sideshow act is Married Men Going It Alone. I'm perceiving a "surge" of messaging activity at this bulletin board. Our Swing Lifestyle inbox has received three messages in succession from married men who report having "permission". It could seem like more than a coincidence when I consider that there were none over the first four years we have kept an on-line profile. Maybe its the positions of the planets.


For the record, "Swinging Alone" is an oxymoron. A married man doing it on his own, with or without permission, is an interloper.



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Post Script: A married woman doing it on her own, with or without permission, is also an interloper. We have received no proposals or Swing Lifestyle messages from any creature of this description. But I thought I would say it out of a sense of fairness and equality.

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Hopefully, the esteemed members of this bulletin board will see the humor of the situation or understand, at least, my meaning when I use the phrase "going-it-alone". Upon previous occasions of taking a swipe at this category, I've heard back from people who enjoy open marriage. Neither JoAnn nor I find fault with open-marriage and have a few acquaintances whose current or former relationships are or were. We are, however, going to deflect any invitation that comes from someone who might be out gallivanting while the spouse has no earthy idea with whom.

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