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Lunchroom conversations...

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Sitting at the table in our work lunchroom, there are three of us. K, J and me.

K starts to talk: "You should have been to the derby the other night." X and X were there with their little girl. She is so cute... then we got to talking and she told me that they swapped partners with X and X."


I sat there and ate my homemade shepherds pie. I didn't even flinch even though I couldn't wait to hear the next word.


J looked at her and said, "Ewwww... really? How nasty!"

K said, "Yeah, and the way she was explaining it, they were all drinking, both girls were sitting on the floor and one of their husbands dared them to kiss and touch each other."

J says, "Ewwwwww...and they did that?"

"I guess! Isn't that gross?"

After a minutes, J says, "Holy Crap! That means X is bi?"

"Oh yeah... isn't that was bi people do? Go down on and kiss each other?"


I'm still eating my shepherds pie. Haven't said a word even though I'd love to tell them the right way to swing.


K said, "I guess that's what swingers do. She said they're full blown swingers now."

"Really? You mean they play with others?"

K said, "No, she said they haven't played with anyone else but if the situation came up, they wouldn't say no."

K looks at me and says, "Don't you have anything to say?"


I look at her. "Yeah, how old are these two?"

"They're both 22. I guess they were looking to get a divorce last week, but thinks that having sex with others will fix things."

"Huh. How old is this baby?" I asked,

"She's just 18 months old."

I asked, "Having sex while you're having marriage problems fixes the marriage?"

"Well, that's what she said."

K looked at me and said, "Don't you think that's just gross?"


I honest to God looked at her and said, "Well, maybe you really can't knock something you haven't tried. Maybe it's more fun than you can imagine." I smiled.


I drank the rest of my milk, dropped my bowl in the sink, threw my plastic fork in the garbage and walked out to the nurses station. Never in a million years would they think that Dave and I would ever try anything like that. We're the picture perfect couple who love each other so much that we could never "share" each other with anyone else.


Interesting conversation from people who have no idea what swinging is about but make their own conclusions and also have no idea they were just talking about swinging to one of the Queens of Swing of R town.



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Now you have them speculating in all of the wrong directions. That was the better choice, I'm sure. If you had said, "I'm a swinger", none of you would have made it back to work on-time:)

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I can just see their faces if I had admitted I was a swinger and told them that the other two were just looking for trouble. OMG... I can just see their faces. Plus, if I had told them, everyone would know by now. *EEK*

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I feel your pain!!!!

I play darts in a league. We were playing against our arch rivals (Who I happen tho really enjoy playing against as they are a really great group of people!!!) when I noticed that one of their star players was not on the roster. I looked around and noticed that his wife, who never misses a game as a cheerleader, was not there either. I asked about him and the young man informed me that he had to call out unexpectedly.

The reason he gave me was so far form what I would have ever expected I was speechless! Imagine that! ME!

In a semi-whisper, he said, "They are swingers! They probably got a chance to get some and gave up playing darts tonight. That guy gets more pussy than you and me combined! I'm not supposed to know this tho!"

No sooner did he tell me this, he turned to a group of his team mates and asked, "You think X and Y are getting some tonight?"

To which the gathered group all nodded or gave some form of yes.

The funniest part about this story is that I know that as we play on a week night, the chances of this are slim. Also, I discovered this couples swinger status from Swing Lifestyle months earlier. I played it off as anyone would. However, the young man would not let it go. He asked me how a man could let another man fuck his wife. All I could say to him was, "It takes all kinds to make this world. Perhaps that does it for them. Do they seem happy?"

He said yes, but pressed the issue and ended by saying he could never do that. I could not help myself! I had to do it! I looked him square in the eyes and said, "Then don't!"

If only they knew!

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It does take all kinds, doesn't it? I like your reply, too. Very good! Yes, if they only knew. LOL

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My feeling is the more people talk about swingers the more they wish they were.


They are hoping to get negative reactions to make them feel better about not doing it, as misery does love company.


Indignation is jealousy with a halo ;)

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ya know, I think it might be exciting to give that swinger thing a try once or twice. The problem is,,, those swingers are just perverts (everybody knows that). I wonder how a couple might find another couple close to normal to swap with. It's kind of like what Mark Twain wrote, we wouldn't want to swap with another couple that was OK with swapping with us.


sarcasm mode off.


Swinger stories make better gossip than who's cheatin who...

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(Chicup) "My feeling is the more people talk about swingers the more they wish they were."

You figure that's why the subject can be difficult to begin in a non-swinger social situation, but, once started, just keeps going freely on its own?


(Chicup again) "Indignation is jealousy with a

halo." :lol: How is it I missed that one up til now!


OK, socolais, fess up. Where'd you come up with the perverts?

Edited by clit pro poet

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You figure that's why the subject can be difficult to begin in a non-swinger social situation, but, once started, just keeps going freely on its own?


Yes, this topic often comes up on talk radio and the like and there is far to much interest in talking about it for it to be all condemnation. It seems to flow far more than conversations on homosexuality or fetishes. I think when ANY couple talks about swinging, even if they are being negative, there is a hint, (sometimes more) of them thinking, could we do that, with who?


Really I think a large number of couples would go for it if everything were 'perfect'.

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Right, couples carry around their own reenforcements and defenses by being together, so they can give each other little nudges and permissions, each knowing that the other is nearby and involved, making the circumstances both safe and exciting.

Of course, this also posits the opposite - a couple not mutually supportive, entering simultaneously into new sexual opportunities that ease further estrangement. 'Been there, a long time ago. Ouch. LFM2 had it right: "...the other two were just looking for trouble."

Swinging won't stop a shipwreck. (But, to extend the metaphor a bit), it can sure make for some nice open water sailing.

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"I drank the rest of my milk, dropped my bowl in the sink, threw my plastic fork in the garbage and walked out to the nurses station."



It got soooooo real, reading this part.


You got what it takes 100 %

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Fun, I was cool about the whole thing. Seriously... But what if they only knew?!? LOL I laugh a little on the inside. hahaha

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I know, I laugh also :)


There are a great deal of people, just by being who they are, makes us cringe thinking...


You are someone, we wouldn't want to talk to about the subject.


We know the type LOL

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