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Don't Touch that Dial!!

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One evening, on our way back from one of our countless trips north to

see family, Mrs. CXXC decides to plug her iPod into my stereo. This is

not unusual as she generally takes over the music selection on our

longer trips. So, per the norm, I sit back waiting to hear the

selection. 36 gig of music will cover the 9 hour trip from the

Mid-Atlantic States to home easily. Here we go!


Mrs. CXXC has a rather eclectic taste in music. On her system you will

find everything from R&B, Rock, Rap, Country and even some

foreign/eastern music. Like I said, you will find virtually everything

on her ipod.


My ears are filled with a sultry blues sound as a lone sax starts the

melody. A drum and piano backed by what can only be a stand up bass

fill the background.


"OK!" I think to myself, "Jazz it is. I like Jazz. This is a little

slow for my tastes but it has a good riff going and I can dig it!


Mrs. CXXC reclines her seat and places her feet upon the dash as if

getting ready to take a nap.


Just as I am starting to get into the groove a woman's husky voice fills

the sound system as the music falls to the background, nearly inaudible.

The narrator speaks in a soft, slow pace with breathy tones.


"June's Desires. Chapter One"


I admit, I am a little stunned as I had no idea that she listened to

anything like this. However, Mrs. CXXC is a bundle of surprises. I

should not be surprised at all. I sit, saying nothing and continue to

drive and listen to the narrator.


The story unfolds as the narrator describes the sexcapades of "June".

True to the title of this piece, the tale progresses from one scenario

through to another of June and her desires being fulfilled.


The miles and minutes click off as Mrs. CXXC and I are transported

through the world of sex, passion, desire and lust.


After nearly 30 minutes, Mrs. CXXC reaches over from her reclining

position to feel the bulge in my pants. Her initial caress turns to a

squeeze. I look to her and see that devilish grin upon her face.


She pulls my right hand from the steering wheel and places it beneath

her skirt. Using my fingers to move her panties, she places my fingers

upon her now excited and moist lips.


The narrator continues as we drive through the night while teasing each

others sex organs. Traffic is minimal at this hour. Her fingers find

my zipper and in seconds has my fully engorged member out and exposed.

Her hand strokes and slowly pumps my erection. Mrs. CXXC's desire gets

the better of her and soon I feel her hot, moist lips envelop my cock.


At 79 MPH, I recognize the danger we are in by this distraction. I see

in my rear view mirror, a Semi within a few hundred yards. I slow my

vehicle enough for the Semi to gain and eventually pass me. I switch

lanes, set the cruise control and pace the semi from behind at a

reasonable 65 MPH.


Mrs. CXXC continues to work my member with her hands and mouth. Her

oral talents are undeniable. Within moments, I am in the throws of a

fantastic orgasm.


Mrs. CXXC finishes the job by ensuring there is nothing left to make a

mess then sits back and reclines in her won seat. With her feet placed

upon the dash once more, her legs are parted and her skirt hem is

gathered around her waste.


I return the favor of pleasing her by rubbing her clit and gliding my

fingers in and out of her moist folds of flesh. She too takes just

moments to achieve a lovely orgasm.


As if timed perfectly, the narrator is finished with her telling and the

sultry music returns. Taking her iPod in hand, Mrs. CXXC flips through

her library and from the speakers comes the sounds of the "Red Hot Chili



3 more hours to go. I increase the speed back to 79mph while passing

the semi. Taking a sip of coffee, I turn to Mrs. CXXC and say, Thank

you! That was wonderful!" She smiles back and thanks me as well!


So the next time you are on a long trip and your wife or S/O decides to

play something on the radio, DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL! You may be in for a

real treat!

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Guest warrencouple




Now to go looking for some "books on tape" like this for myself and TKs long drives!


Of course, back in our dating days, when she'd give me blowjobs in the car, she noticed I had a tendency to throw my head back, and close my eyes, so I don't think I'll get the attention you got...


At least not while we're moving...



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Yeah, the driving while receiving is dangerous at best. Add high speeds of the interstate and eek!


But what fun!

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I fully understand that. Although I have very few issues with her tastes in music, my daughter and her friends on the other hand...... UGH!

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