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Chicup's Blog

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Ok I was bored and looking at local profiles, this is a sampling of my mind while I looked.


Dude you are not 34, if you are 34 I am 18, and I'm not 18 I'm almost 40.


Now you look your age, but you are taking pictures of your wife in the bathroom, and then take a picture of yourself with the camera on one side of your face in the mirror. First why did you use the bathroom? Second, why didn't you hand her the camera?


185.....no...I know 185, thats not 185, maybe if you were 6'5" but you list your height at 5'7".


Hey, we met you at a club, 6 years ago, those are the same pictures I see you had up then, and they didn't look like you then either.


Uh come on the DATES are on your pictures, don't call them recent unless 7 years is recent to you.


Ok your profile insists on seeing a picture of both members of the couple, yet you only have your wife up. I'll take your word for it that you are in shape and attractive like your profile says.


Oh god, dude, just because you are bi curious doesn't mean you will be attractive in a white thong, and not bent over like that. The eyes, they can not unsee....


Ok I have NO idea how you did it, but that camera angle makes her head look like a bobble head.


I am aprox 7 inches long and 2 inches thick....

I'm sorry we dont' swing with midgets.


Ok, seriously, whats with the cell phone pictures of the men taken BY the men?! Nice MS paint to edit out your tattoo and penis though.


Could lose a few pounds? Shes 110 and looks like a twig, shes also 20. Mmmmm very attractive 20 year old who thinks shes too fat and most likely has self esteem issues....mark that one as a friend.... (I keed)


There are 5 people in this picture, which one are you?


Ok, no picture of the guy annoys us, but no picture of the wife? Scares us.


Ok, sexy pictures of the wife, and you look like a criminal. SMILE!


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If it were not true, your blog would be hilarious! For the age thing, I usually look at the member since date on the profile. Look at the pics and then the age. If they don't match I assume that they did not update their age each year.


You forgot about the pictures that are photoshopped/pixelated/stained glassilated to the point where you really have no idea what they look like!

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This is funny stuff. The new couple I'm so excited about had the "three guys in this picture, which one are you?" problem in their profile. Since then they've changed it. Partially my doing-- after they contacted us and we talked (and clarified who her SO was), I told her we would have contacted them earlier if I could have figured out which guy was hers from the pictures.


I hope you and your wife find interesting local people you want to contact. It's much more fun that way :).

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Ok. You owe me a keyboard now. The midget thing made me spit my beverage all over! Too funny!

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I am aprox 7 inches long and 2 inches thick....

I'm sorry we dont' swing with midgets.


OMG, that was too good!

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I keep thinking you had to have seen a water blurred face pic.


Sometimes, those creep me out :rolleyes: Looks like a monster sometimes to me.

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Wow, I got a much needed laugh out of that! I haven't been looking at profiles for long but I've seen every one of those things you mentioned! Thanks for the smile!

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