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I Just Don't Fit!

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I am drawn back to my youth and how things never seemed to fit very well. As a pre-teen, I hit a growth spurt that had my parents and virtually everyone around me scratching their heads. You see, in the 5th grade, I was your normal but slightly taller than normal boy. I was still 5’6” at the end of the school year. During that summer, I guess I got too much fresh air, too much exercise and too much food. By the time school started again, I was not just in the 6th grade, I was also 6 feet tall.


Somehow, I had grown a full 6 inches in that 11 week period. Nothing I had worn the year before fit. My parents were afraid to take me clothes shopping for the new school year as they had no idea how long the clothes would fit. I will say, this really working in my favor as I had passed my older brother by 3 inches. No hand-me-downs for little cxxc ever again!


Unfortunately, growing so quickly had other negative side effects. In that one year, I broke more bones, got more stitches, had more sprains and concussions that any other year combined. The doctors started to wonder if I was an abuse child. In one visit (I had a broken wrist from a tumble on a bike) the doctor asked my mother to leave the room. She knew what was up! He put his hand gently upon my shoulder, looked at me with all the concern and compassion he was capable of and asked, “Son, does your father beat you?”


Well, I should have known then I was going to turn out as I have. I could not help myself. With the best poker face I could muster, I looked back into those caring eyes and said, “Yes! Yes he does! Quite often actually!”


I let that sink in for a moment as he considered his next action while putting the cast upon my wrist. Then I hit him with it!

“But how else am I to learn how to play checkers. He never let me win!”


Slamming the remains of the plaster roll upon his work table, he reached to the door, flung it open and called to my mother yelling, “WE ARE DONE HERE! You can take him home now!”


Sorry, this is not about my inability to put a filter on my humor. It is about not fitting in. by the end of the 6th grade, I was 6’1. I seemed to have slowed my growth down a bit but knew I had more to go. I was still bumping into stuff. My clothes were not fitting as they should. I was rarely ever seen with my shirt sleeves rolled down as they were generally an inch or two too short. I thank my mother for buying pants MUCH longer than I needed them and hemming them as my legs grew!


As soon as I hit middle school (The high school and middle school were in the same building just separated in a fashion) the basketball and football coaches descended! Let me tell you, I really wish I was coordinated. I can dribble down the front of my shirt, but that is about it! Basketball was not my sport. My mother pulled me out of football after my 2nd game. The broken collarbone sealed the deal for her there.


Flash to High School Graduation! Like any 18 year old, I had hit my peak in height. At 6’4” I towered over all of my family members and nearly everyone in my school. Then came the real world. Work, dating, dancing, hobbies, all the stuff you really don’t think about as a kid. Well, dancing, dating and hobbies are in there but it changes when you have your own money.


Do you know, there are certain vehicles I CAN NOT DRIVE? Put me in a 350 Z and my head sticks out from the top. I can’t see the road through the bow! Even trucks give me a difficult time. Most Dodge trucks don’t fit. Forget any vehicle with a sunroof! That stupid thing cuts 2 inches of headroom out!


Then you have my favorite situation. Shopping. Not the act of shopping. Simply walking through a store is hazardous to my health. NO ONE EVER thinks about a person over 6 feet tall. All those banners and signs hung from the ceilings hit me right on the noggin. Then you have the fun of trying to find shirts for someone with a 37 inch sleeve and an 18 inch neck. Sure! Big and Tall shops have them. But every shirt I find would fit two of me in the chest. ACK! I spend $30.00 on the shirt and another 12 to get it taken in. (Thank you Mrs. Tran! You do such wonderful work!) Fortunately, my pants are not an issue!


SHOES???? OMG!!!! 13D should not be so difficult to find! When I do find something that will fit, the damn things look like gun boats. It kills me to spend half my day looking for a pair of shoes that look good and fit while not making my feet look like Bozo the Clown’s. When I do find them, I buy one in black and one in brown. If I can’t get them in both colors, Ill buy two of the same color. Its very hard to find shoes that look good and fit these days!


And then there is the meeting people and getting into the life style. Sure, most women will agree that a Tall HWP man is nice. But why are most women so NOT TALL!!!! I have only met a handful of women who are tall enough that I don’t have to pick them up to kiss them goodnight! Slow dancing look almost obscene with some of the women I have been with. I understand they look for a certain genetic stock in order to build upon their own, but geeze! Yes, I know! Mrs. CXXC is only 5 feet even.


My size has never really been an issue with regards to sex. It all seems to even out there. Well, there is the issue of the bed not being long enough. I had to wait until I was in my 20’s before I could afford to get a bed long enough so that my feet didn’t hang off the end! The bed I sleep in today is actually 7-1/2 feet long! CAN YOU IMAGINE MY JOY! I still wake up with a seam imprint on the side of my face each morning. Mrs. CXXC is a bed hog. That little package takes up a CALIFORNIA KING!!!!!!!!


SIGH! This is just one of those lamenting blogs. If I were only 4 inches shorter I could have been a fighter pilot. I could wear suits that didn’t need to be tailored so. I might even be able to buy off the rack. Shirts would fit, coats would cover my kidneys, gloves would actually fit like, well, gloves! Shoes! OH SHOES! TO DREAM!!!!!


I guess I will just have to give up. I just don’t fit!

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We have a very good (vanilla) male friend who is only 5'2". I'm sure that given the choice between being too big for some cars and being so short that most women won't look at him, he'd narrow down his choice of cars.


Our friend told us his parents had the choice to give him a growth hormone when he was in his early teens. The side effects were not 100% known, although it was thought to be harmless, and he could have been 5'5" if he had gotten it. He and his parents together decided to leave healthy enough alone.


I confess I wish for him that he had gotten the shots. At 5'2", it is incredibly difficult to attract most women. This is a guy who by most standards is a catch. He's decent looking, never been married, has no kids, a steady job, and is caring, active, in shape, and just as nice and lively as can be. I thought about dating him before Mr. Fuse and I got together... but I just couldn't get past his shortness.


CXXC, it might be hard to find a pair of shoes... but at least when it comes to attracting a mate or a swing partner, you have a big advantage over other men.


Plus, you can see at concerts and parades!

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Short people got, no reason, short people got, no reason....


Wow ya, 5'2" would be painful on a male in the US unless you became a jockey. On the flip side I went to rural mexico when I was about 5'4" and felt like a giant. Its all relative :)


Right now I'm smack dab in average ville at 6'0", I'd like a few more inches.


Hey wait, that didn't sound right....

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Guest warrencouple


You know, I always thought at 6'-1" I was tall. I've got a feeling you'd seem to be towering over me...


I know about the problem with clothes, to an extent, in that for me, long sleeve shirts tend to either end a couple inches above the wrist, or hang over my hands. Which is why I tend to wear short sleeves 99% of the time. Pants aren't so bad, but most stores seem to have limited stock of 36 waist / 34 length. Not to mention it seems different pants companies have different definitions of 34 length...


One of the guys from the club the wofe and I went to, the fellow who ran the "Introduction to Swinging," as well as the presentation at the Sex Show, is at least your height. Minimum, I'd say he's a full head taller than me.



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Ms. Fuse

I have to say, the grass is always greener. I do feel for your friend. My best friend is 5'5" and has suffered in his ability to find women most of his life. That being said, I may seem to be whinning, but like your laterally challenged friend, I am on the opposite end of the spectum, I just have to be thankful for the blessing I have.



Every time I go to Mexico, I feel like a freak of nature. You should see the children run when they see the giant walking down the road.



It is interesting how just three inches will make one look MUCH taller than another.

If only the shorts would be long enough to cover my wrists. SIGH!

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Mr NC can totally relate. At 6'3 before putting his cowboy boots on... he towers over most! And like you he married a short woman (I'm 5'1). He is thin, but broad shoulders. Buying him shirts is impossible. Large is too snug in the shoulders, but XL are so HUGE around his midsection that I could fit inside the shirt with him!


He is all legs. To fit over his cowboy boots comfortably he prefers a 40 inch length. No one carries these in stock anymore. I love when I walk in a store and ask for 31x40 and they hand me 40x31. Apparently without him next to me they think I must be totally blonde and don't know my husband's size! And he hates shopping because of this problem!


We gave up the California King bed because we had no room in the bedroom and ended up with a standard queen. I run into his poor feet when I walk around it trying not to wake him... And I too lay sideways ... He must LOVE the mornings when I go to work early and leave him to his dreams where he can stretch out!


Our daughter still barely reaches his waist. Yes, he feels like Jolly Green Giant at times too.


On the bright side, there are many, many of us women that just LOVE tall men!!!

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I'm 5'7", wife is 5' 2". I find women more than 5'8" or so can be a challenge sometimes. Funny, my wife and I were just discussing and something I had forgotten about (use to have a girlfriend 5' 10")...when behind in doggy style the longer femur means the ass is up higher and my femur is just no that long. Oh the back-aches well earned from :) We just found a great couple and playing is fun and will continue - but I do like girls a bit smaller...my wife is perfect!

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I was a 32 when I was 16 I think and I was a bean pole :)


Don't blame the stores too much I'm sure 40X31 is a VERY popular size.


Many years ago when I was in grad school my mother did me a favor and bought me pants. For some reason she got it in her head I was a 40*32. I was a 34-36/32. NO idea where she came up with that 40, but being my mother never makes a mistake she still swears I was much fatter then :rollseye:


Mean while I had pants that looked like a sac so they wouldn't fall off for a semester.

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31-40 is an odd size to say the least. Goodness. If I had legs that long I would be pushing 7 feet. LOL


As Mrs. CXXC is much shorter (Call her fun sized if you will) There are certain positions that we simply cannot do without some form of aid (Step, phone books, coffee cans) to place her in the right height! It makes finding a woman with LONG legs a bonus for me as standing is always so much fun!!!


Like you Chickup, Ive not been in a 28 since my 20s. then again, I was WAY too thin. My normal size is a 31. Ive not been a 31 in quite some time. Must get backt here.

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Sorry I don't have much to add here...but I like guys who tower over me. My sweetie is 6'1"....I had one playmate that was your height...*swoons*


Although I do have to say at 5'7"....I was "average" height for a female in Ohio....here in San Antonio...I feel like I tower over alot of people...men and women. *sigh*

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I think Mrs. CXXC is of like minds with you! She actually says she has a cut off for height with me. I have yet to see her stick to it, but that is another story!


I remember spending a bit of time in TX and a few boarder towns where I felt like a true giant.


Being 6'4" has many advantages. One dissadvantage however is the conastant assumption that I can play basketball! Let me tell you, I can dribble down the front of my shirt but that is about it. Im probably the most uncoordinated tall white man you will ever meet!

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"Short people got, no reason, short people got, no reason...."


Ouch :eek:


Hey, while your up there...... could ya look south toward my house.


Not sure if I left the porch light on before I left :hahaha:

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At one time in my life, I knew that song by heart! However, after having a showdown with a NOT tall person, I learned to stop singing it.


So, How far south are you??

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