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Well whaddya know... things seem to be going great, then they change.


PB had a new friend... then she disappeared, and that really bummed him out. I still had a friend to play with on the side, then he got a "real" girlfriend, and is busy going through the throes of seriousness over that. So nobody to tie me up... damn. I understand completely that things have changed, but I still miss the fun and games we had together this summer. Actually, I'm really pissed off at him, not because he got a girlfriend (thrilled for him, he's a nice guy and deserves it), but because he seems to not even be willing to say hi to me on msn for the past week, even though he's been online. Could be any number of reasons why... but as far as I know we're still friendly and if it's changed I'd appreciate knowing that.


As for playing as a couple, haven't even had much of that lately. Well, we did go to a house party and a club two weekends last month and had a good time, but we're looking at a long, long autumn now. PB starts a new shift after the holiday weekend (Canadian Thanksgiving), Monday through Saturday, 2pm-11:30pm. Until Xmas. Yep. There goes our social life into the crapper. Not to mention we'll only see each other Sat morning and all day Sunday. We were going to go out to a club last night for a final hurrah before the "dark times"- then PB and our older son went and had a few too many late afternoon beers at the neighbours, and he was in bed by 9 or so. I didn't mind too much, because it was nice for the two of them to spend some quality time together. And if I don't know that we've got a "date" at the club, I don't like going in cold, and that was the situation last night. I'm not much for dancing...


Meanwhile, I am playing the role of an extremely sexually aggressive woman in a farce next month. The irony... I think I'll be getting more action in the play than in the entire period of time between now and Xmas. Actually it IS acting... I am SO not aggressive... need to be chased. Still, it's funny how appropriate some of the lines I have are to real life.


There. I've whined. And who knows, within a few days, all this could change.

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I hope things change for the better for you. It does suck when you have something good going and then it goes away through no fault of your own. Frustrating.


Sorry about the shift work!

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Thanks for the support, Fuse. Actually, we're having a great long weekend together, just the two of us. (well, aside from my entire family being here yesterday for Thanksgiving dinner, and our son being home the entire time, but you know what I mean). So that's cool, and if your core relationship is going well, that's what really matters, isn't it? We'll just have to take out our pent-up sexual energy on each other when we can for a while until our crazy schedule permits some fun. But then, who knows, by the end of this first week of his shift work I might be totally strung out by unsatisfied sexual desire. And then I'll be whining again. Sigh...


Oh and update my friend did get in touch with me and all is good.

Edited by PB&J

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