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The long dark twilight of the soul... or something

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Weird day. I have succumbed to the first cold in years, and have taken the day off from doing anything except vegetating. Hot rum toddies and sleeping under my duvet figure prominently in my programme. PB is on his afternoon shift, so doesn't roll in until midnight (on Saturday!!) but at least because of my cold I'm not pining too much for some fun and games.


If I HAD been healthy, I'd be at a vanilla friends' sex toy party, oddly enough. Hmmmm.... that might be an odd experience. Imagine... friends oohing and ahhing over some vibrator, and I would have to resist chiming in with, "Yes, but it's much better if someone else is using that on you while husband is.... yes, that would raise some eyebrows!!


Had a chat with a new online contact this evening- luckily didn't go too far before she told me that she and her new boyfriend are doing this behind her husband's back. And that before she met boyfriend she was doing this solo, behind her husband's back. Now, I think I've mentioned that PB actually dabbled very briefly in the lifestyle with a girlfriend behind MY back before 'fessing up to me, because he couldn't live with what he was doing any more. And that I forgave him and we moved on because I love him and he loves me, and then I decided that I was interested in this myself, and 2 years ago this weekend we took the plunge, and haven't looked back since. So you can imagine how thrilled I was to find out that this chick and her boyfriend wanted to use us to cheat on her husband. I explained to her succinctly exactly WHY that really pissed me off, and then blocked and deleted her so fast her head must still be spinning. The noive.


Meanwhile, I'm trying to decide if I like Facebook. It has allowed me to get back in touch with an old friend, but holy crap, talk about too much information!!


Thank goodness for Swingersboard- certainly the only place I could post two of these comments!

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Congratulations on your swinging anniversary, I think that's a unique way to get started in this. I'll fax you some chicken soup ;)

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Sorry you missed your toy party. Getting out of the house is a good way to fight the blues.


I hope you feel better soon! I like Facebook. You can block people and applications if they get on your nerves.

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Thanks for the virtual chicken soup, Socolais. This cold has been a bitch all week, and now that I'm recovering OF COURSE PB is just coming down with it. Could be worse, could be the flu... THE flu... but no, just a damn bad cold.


And I'm adjusting to Facebook, Fuse. Dear God... another thing to tie me to my computer... that's all I needed.


And thank you, fun4D's. :kissface: Hope you had a GREAT birthday!!

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It's reasons like that there that make me appreciate Europe. Everyone is so open-minded. Compared to most of my Euro-friends I'm the Vanilla one. I've never heard of anyone cheating. Not that it doesn't happen, I'm sure it does. But this land of Liberation has really opened my eyes. I'm sorry you were put into that situation. Perhaps my (american) roommate would like to meet her. He also is lacking morals. I hope you feel better soon.

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