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play it again, sam

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While I believe exploratory sex to be one of the wonders of the sexual world, there's something special about revisiting a connection with a smiling babe from parties past.


She remembers the fun we had together the last time we played, and she wants some more. There's a smile in her eyes and an extra boost in the energy when she grabs my ass. She pulls me close and probes my soul with her devilish tongue. She whispers, "Let's find a room."


A laundry bomb explodes as we do the locker room strip and bounce onto the futon. The way she kisses, I swear she can breathe through her ears. Her hungry hands roam my body in a very comfortable way. The ceiling fan is on high speed, but we're still lubricating through our skin pores. She squirms and grinds when I nibble on her neck. Her nails tingle my ribs and send trickles of sweat drops toward my back and into the soft cotton sheets. Her heavy breath cools my cock as we shift into slow gear and bask in the flood of sexual energy between us. The confidence of already knowing the way she likes to be touched lends a warm familiarity amidst the strangeness of our coupling. The excitement in the room is overwhelming - this is wayyyyyyy cool!!!


I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


It's the kind of sex where just one encounter at a party is plenty. Satisfying, in a warm sparkly way. I sit on a barstool sipping island rum from my flask, watching the party of horny friends, playing grab-ass when the opportunity presents itself, stealing kisses to sweeten my rum. I know my wife is enjoying a thousand finger massage in the hot tub. There's an interesting interaction between folks as they wander around the party. I easily remember when I believed this would be an unhealthy environment (without regard for the imbalance of food groups on the snack table).


Reconnection is just total bliss, I'm at a loss for words to describe the sexual hunger for each other we share.


Of all the sex parties in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.....

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Recommended Comments

That is such an elegant recolletion of what must have been a very erotic evening! Thank you for sharing it with us!

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