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Nothing against you but,………

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Mrs. CXXC has been in a veritable tizzy these past few days. I guess it all started two weeks ago while trying to replace her boy toy! As you know, he left our lovely little town and moved back home three months ago! Since then, Mrs. CXXC was looking around in search of a suitable replacement.


Mrs. CXXC fell upon a handsome lad who fit the bill perfectly. Granted, he is vanilla by our standards, he is unattached and truly enjoys her company. They have had fun in various activities but at no time has he satisfied her completely. Their last date was at a vanilla party/cook out. The host and other friend in attendance left to get some forgotten items necessary for the cook out which left Mrs. CXXC and her boy toy alone for approximately 20 minutes.


No sooner did the door close, Mrs. CXXC was stripped of her clothing and tossed upon one of the beds. He boy toy immediately applied a condom and went to work! Unfortunately, the act lasted approximately 5 minutes. He lost it rather quickly! In her frustration, Mrs. CXXC pleaded for him to orally please her. Before he could move in for the kill, the host and other party entered the house. That was it!


Mrs. CXXC was so worked up over the activity, she was a WALKING HORMONE for the rest of the night and better part of the next day! Fortunately, I was able to take some of the edge off for her. Yet, she needed something more! She made several attempts to connect with this new boy toy but due to scheduling and his inability to commit to any set dates, she has not been able to see him again! In her frustration, she has decided that she must look elsewhere for another boy toy!


Yesterday, we had plans with a couple with whom we have been trying feverishly to connect. Once again, our schedules and theirs have not been in sync and the connection proved to be virtually impossible. Yesterday, Wednesday the 28th, we had set up a dinner and drinks date at our home. Everything was going along smoothly until I received a text stating that one of their children had taken ill and the evening had to be cancelled. They felt absolutely horrible having to cancel the evening. They even offered for one of them to come over for the evening and then come as a couple at a future date. As this would be our first encounter, we opted to hold off and wait until the 4 of us could be together.


Can you say SEXUAL FRUSTRATIUON???????? Mrs. CXXC was bouncing off the walls!!! The poor girl was beside herself! I have seen my wife REALLY horny before but this time, she was literally possessed!!!! She sat and fidgeted throughout dinner. As we sat on the back porch enjoying the evening air and Indian summer warmth, I could feel her Jedi Mind Trick working on me.


“Can we go have sex now?” She asked bluntly!


“Ummmm… Sure!” I responded.


Needless to say, Mrs. CXXC was one carnal animal! She virtually climbed me as I stood in our bedroom. Her clothes were off so quickly I could have sworn I heard the fabric tearing as she removed it. Not only her clothing disappeared rapidly but my own flew off with great haste as she nearly ripped it from my body! This is a very rare attitude for Mrs. CXXC. She wanted it THEN.


Roughly an hour later, we were sitting back on our patio enjoying that same Indian summer evening as we had been earlier. I was looking toward the night sky pondering her present mood and sexual temper. A thought came across my mind that I simply had to voice.


ME: You would have preferred that I was another man just then, wouldn’t you?


She: What do you mean?


Me: I am not upset, jealous or hurt by this, but would you have rather had a different man having sex with you just now?


She: (Sheepishly with her eyes cast downward) Yes! Is that bad of me?


ME: (Laughing) Not at all! It is just one of the things that makes the Lifestyle so great! You get to fuck whomever you want but you only make love with me!


She: That is what I really wanted!


So, now the question remains, do all women feel that way? I understand Mrs. CXXC’s present PASSION for strange right now. It is predicated upon her desire to find a new boy toy and her not being satisfied in her recent activities. Being honest with yourselves, do you ever have sex/make love with your SO and feel that carnal desire for someone else at that time?


This Sunday should prove to be quite a wonderful adventure as the excitement for this union has been building for quite some time. And I know Mrs. CXXC will be fully pleased and finally have that strange she has been so desiring. I also know that (I am being completely honest here) if I were to attempt to step in and take over from him I would hear that angelic voice of Mrs. CXXC say, “Nothing against you but,………”

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This is so true, and very well put. Sometimes that new cock is what I want. Some swingers might look askance at me and wonder how I could say that... but there it is.

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Agreed- sometimes it's the excitement of the new that is required. I know just how Mrs CXXC (and the Fuse) feels.

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Ms. Fuse and PB&J

Thank you! I will let Mrs. CXXC know that at least two other women in the LS agree and feel the very same!


Its funny, I am not sure if I am an enegma regarding our sexploits, but I have not needed "Strange". Sure, it is great to share the adventure with another woman other than Mrs. CXXC. However, I have not had that yearning she, and you, seem to feel! I wonder, are most men like this?


Passion is required by both Mrs. CXXC and myself. We could not be involved with others if there was no passion. The excitement and pleasure of experiencing a new (or rarely experienced) individual, coupled by the build up of sexual tension is such a great experience. We could not enjoy it otherwise.


So, ladies, do you tell your S/O's about your wish or desires or do you keep it to yourselves?

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I do share with Mr. Fuse when someone excites me, but I don't make a point of saying it's partly because that other person isn't him! We both know that the newness of a playmate is a factor. Our feelings aren't hurt by it. He feels the same way, but he's not as much of a "seeker" as I am in... well... really any area of life, and swinging is no exception.

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Ms. Fuse

I like that term, "Seeker". It sound so much better than hunter. Each time we have discussed her search for a boy toy, we have used the term "Hunting" which lends a negative conotation.

Thank you for that. She is a seeker!

I guess you cold say that we are both seekers in a way. I do mine through the internet while she does hers in person! I am not smart enough to catcht he subtle hints or clues thrown at me by people when in person! You pretty much have to hit me in the head with a 2x4 to get the clue through!

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I think this is a very cool concept and I like the way it's making me think about past encounters. I think it would be interesting to construct a poll in the forum to tally the perceptions.


While I have to acknowledge the excitement of the strange, I think it's really the sexual adventure I sometimes develop an itch for. We've gone to house parties and gotten so turned on with each other that we played together and didn't interact with others beyond a kiss and a hug. I don't specifically seek the strange, it's just an enjoyable part of the process. I'm equally excited by being with an existing friend or someone new.


My wife doesn't actively "seek" anything. She's the poster girl for serendipity, sex looses value for her if it has to be planned. She wants to feel the rapture of the moment. She doesn't approach guys at the parties, it seems that the guys find her.

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By all means! Create a poll. I have not figured out just how to do that. The information would be interesting.

There is one part of your comment that gives me pause.

"My wife doesn't actively "seek" anything. She's the poster girl for serendipity, sex looses value for her if it has to be planned."

By of going to a party, club etc... is not the intent to have sex? Does that, by its very nature negate the spontaneity of the act of sex itself?

Sure, she may not be the seeker, but she places herself in the position to engage.

I know, we don’t always go to a party etc.. with the intent to play. But the activity is implied. It may be an implication with another or with one’s own SO. In some cases and with some individuals/couples, the intent is to simply socialize. However, the majority of the people in the LS attend such parties with the full intention to engage in sexual congress.

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I don't pretend to fully understand her need for serendipity, I'm a planner. There appear to be some contradictions, at least on the surface. We'll rent a cabin on the lake for a weekend and I'll be planning for death-by-sex, she's packing stuff we are unlikely to use because it keeps her options open. In business, she's a planner too, and a very good one, but in sex, she likes for the cards to fall just wherever they happen to land. I have to admit, her "extra stuff" sure comes in handy sometimes.

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Mrsxxxboxy and I have discussed the "need" for sex with another on several occasions and for us it all boils down to this...we can be everything to each other except variety. No, not variety in the sense of multiple and varying positions but that variety that can only come with another.

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