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Watch the Birdie!!!

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A little over 14 years ago, I met the absolutely amazing creature with whom I would later date, become engaged to and finally marry. Yep! This wonderful woman is Mrs. CXXC. In all these years, (It really feels like yesterday) I have looked upon her and wondered what I have done in a previous life or in this one to deserve her. I have had many men AND WOMEN ask me the same question. The only answer I have ever been able to give with a margin of certainty is, “I love her with all my heart!”


So, the last 14 years have flown by. It really feels like it was all yesterday. I look back at our beginnings and remember the “firsts” in our relationship: first date, first kiss, first time we made love, first argument…. What a wonderful beginning.


Several things have change within us during our history together. Certainly there are the physical changes. We have also matured in who and what we are as well as the way we view the world and things around us. What once was an intolerable issue has become an accepted item. Where we would once have looked at certain things with disdain, we look at some of them with humor and even enjoy some of them now. 14 years ago, there was no way we would have considered engaging in the lifestyle. Today, we look back and wonder what took us so long! So many changes in what we thought was beyond our scope and acceptance or comfort levels!!


11 years ago, while on our honeymoon in Mexico, we noticed many women on the beach laying and walking about topless. Mrs. CXXC was, at the time, rather shy but decided to enjoy the freedom of sunning herself sans the bikini top. I truly enjoyed seeing her lay out in the sun with those perfect C cups exposed to the sun’s rays and the eyes of passers-by. She was (and by all accounts, still is) a vision to behold. I could not resist! I grabbed my trusty camera and snapped a couple pictures. She heard the shutter clicking. Well, she was not really upset but did not want me to take another picture of her topless. So, there you have it. Our first photo of Mrs. CXXC semi-nude.


Three years later, we decided to take a long weekend in South Beach Miami. We took advantage of Haulover Beach (Nude Beach) for our visit of three days. We met a couple female friends while catching rays and enjoyed a great time. We all posed and took photos of each other to include Mrs. CXXC. This time, she had no objection to the filming of her nude. However, it would be another 3 years before that activity would be repeated.


On our 8th anniversary, we took a trip to Hedo II. It was on this trip that Mrs. CXXC realized she would rather be naked than wear clothes. We spent nearly every moment nude. Also, she actually enjoyed my taking photos of her in this state of undress. She posed with several people who were equally adorned. Still, she was not 100% comfy with the activity, but did not mind it as she did before. Her comfort level was growing.


Something happened to Mrs. CXXC on June 1st 2008. It was as if a light switch was turned on. Mrs. CXXC will pose, flash, and even enjoy having her picture taken while she is nude. While at Desire Spa and Resort in Cancun MX, she had MANY photos of her taken in all stages of dress and undress. She posed with several people in various sexual positions and activities. She even took the camera and snapped a few of me and others. She had become completely comfy with the idea of being captured on film.


Since then, we have photographed her with many partners in many activities. We have videotaped her sexual encounters both at home and away. She has never had issue with the camera other than when I am using it and leaving her unattended to. Her partners (Male and Female) have been given copies of these images with her approval.


Mrs. CXXC will even have me take photos of her in various stages of undress and activity to send to her playmates who are far away. This is a reminder to them what they are missing! She will pose for the camera for hundreds of shots, in different poses, with various props. She will engage in toy play or just pose with a smile while wrapped in a towel. Today, Mrs. CXXC is free from inhibition regarding the camera!


When the day is done, she will view the photos with me and pick through them letting me know what images to keep, toss or edit (Crop or adjust the angle. No Photoshop here!) I will produce a photo album of all the shots she approved and she will then send them to playmates or have me forward them for her. If we made a video of our sexcapades, she will watch it and give the thumbs up or down as well.


As for me, I have virtually no modesty! The reason there are so few pictures of me is logistical. How can I be in the picture while I am behind the lens?


As I sit here looking at DVD after DVD of Mrs. CXXC in her naked splendor, I can’t help but recall that very first time and the few times after. How does one go from photo-phobic, if you will, to being nearly a self made porn star? Perhaps I should take a photography class! I have such a great subject. Why not portray her in the best way?


Nude photos were so far from our minds back then. Now, all I have to say is, “Watch the Birdie!”

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