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Seven Secrets of the Sexually Successful

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Get comfortable and tune out the distractions of daily life while we share a thought together.


How do we each define sexual success? Do we consider ourselves successful? Do we consider others as more or less successful than ourselves? What obstacles do we see between us and success? How will we know when we find success? Can we be content with simple success? Why are we on this damned planet?


The secrets are still secrets,,, I have no Divine Revelations to share. The mystery is as old as the hills. Has anyone ever found a sexual nirvana that would be applicable to the remainder of the planet's population?


We can probably agree, a reasonable measure of success would include avoiding the pitfalls and addictions of those we consider significantly less sexually successful. Happiness and some level of contentment are also likely to be an indicator of success. A sexually successful person would certainly interact with others respectfully and compassionately. A sexually successful person would be more inclined toward optimism and would be a fun person to spend time with.


Is success a static state of perfection or an ever-changing dream of new opportunities? Is success for a young adult the same as for the more mature? Is it possible that there are multiple states of success, each ideal only within a given set of conditions? What sexual emotions and sensations are positive and what sexual aspects do we avoid? Is sexual success a desirable value?


Sometimes, we can learn by observing opposites. How do we recognize a real sexual looser? How can we guide that lost soul toward the light? Which light?


Life is good. I consider myself a pilgrim on the road of Mortality, experiencing the rewards of sexual adventures. The road ends at the river Styx. Between here and there, are many valleys and hills. The road is curvy and irregularly jointed. I'm happy with my progress and my traveling companion. I welcome opportunities to meet other travelers and explore the happy spots we find along the way. My companion and I leave a trail of wet spots to mark the path we've taken.


Have you found success in your sexuality?

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WOW! Kinda deep for a friday!!!


Sexual success.... Hmmmm. I have never thought of sex as being something that has a level or target to acheive. For me, it has always been a shared activity within which my partner(s) and I hopefully reach a satisfying end.


Is that success? I guess that all depends upon the individual. Do I feel sexually competent and capable of satisfying my partner(s)? I believe so. Do my partners appeare to be satisfied with my talents and activities? I believe so based upon their statements. Am I satisfied with the end result of our unions? Again, if I have pleased them, I am satisfied.

Success to me, is a simple target. If I fully please my partner(s), I have succeeded sexually.

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