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Random Thoughts from Poly-ville

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With so many politically correct groups and activists in the world today I just noticed a few things. Where are the groups campaigning for the rights of swingers and couples involved in a Polyamorous relationship. I mean really, where are they? One of the biggest issues of the past few presidential elections has been "gay marriage" and amending state constitutions for the right for homosexuals to marry and it be considered a legal marriage.


Now I can say in the last election i voted against gay marriage and had no doubts I was doing the right thing. But then something happened about two years later. My wife and I started swinging and met a wonderful couple that we both fell madely in love with. Before long and before both of us knew it we were involved in a poly relationship. Now first of all let me assure you I am straight. Never had no homosexual urges, i'm not Homophobic in any manner at all. I am just looking at things from a different viewpoint is all and in a way I can relate to the gay rights activists pushing for gay marriage to be legalized and accepted.


I am in love and married to a beautiful woman whom I cherish very much. I am also in love with another beautiful woman whom I cherish very much and would have no problem at all also calling her my wife. But as it stands right now I can't. Not legally anyway. So my big question is "Why do I have to hide the fact that I have two women that i love very much in my life." The best answer that anybody can give me is "because it is not normal".


Ok what is normal folks? I mean really, what is normal? The wife and I have meet some great people through swinging. Have remained good friends with most of them and they have been some of the most loyal friends we have ever had. I mean what is better than that? I know at anytime, day or night i can call Gator or Vol (our other half of the poly couple) and they will help with anything they can. The old expression of "a good friend will bail you out of jail at 3a.m. But a TRUE friend will be sitting in the cell beside you saying "man, our wives are gonna kill us for this" best describes the friendship between us. Gator is one of the best friends I have ever had. and Vol, what more can i say about the woman? She is just an amazing woman to me.


But, back on subject here. Why is it not accepted as much? What do people have against a poly relationship or swingers in general? The whole issue i guess is the idea of monogamy. We have been conditioned since birth to accept the idea of marriage being the joining of one man and one woman. With the divorce rate well over 50% in the United States I say it is time to challenge that idea. I know if the wife and I are having an argument I can later call either Gator or Vol and talk to them about the argument, and because both of them are as close to the situation as they are I will get an honest no-bullshit answer from both of them. How many traditionally married couples can say that? Most of them would have to pay for marrige counseling to get what we have built in. Isn't that what the idea of marriage is supposed to be? A partnership where people of the opposite sex work towards a common goal, through both emotional and physical support.


Why does it have to be just ONE woman and ONE man. The old saying two heads are better than one, well if that is true shouldn't four heads be better than two?

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I can't argue with a thing you said...the only thing I can offer is it's fear ...when you don't understand something you fear it and when you fear it, you stand against it.


I always ask people when they start getting up in arms about gay marriage, alternative lifestyles, whatever....what is it about someone living their life different than you do, taking away from you? The answer I usually receive is "Well it's not what God intended" . Yeah, well what if they don't believe in your god ? Just because it's not right for you, doesn't mean it's not right for others.


Maybe one day people will learn to live and let live without judgment or condemnation.

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Amen to that, TNT. Well said. If only we could get to that point. People sometimes get so set in what they've been indoctrinated with since birth, that they don't even question why they believe what they do; or if it's right, wrong, or just doesn't matter one way or another.

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I have been in a poly reationship for the last seven years its wonderful my wide and I have a better understanding of each other. and she has by blessing on exlporing whats out there on loves and relationships

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Change is slow. Change that smacks social norm in the face is slower. It is frustrating. It's tough to hide, and you shouldn't have to. But hang in there. Change is also inevitable.

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